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Ida Bagus Gde Parwita

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Ida Bagus Gde Parwita
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In English

Ida Bagus Gde Parwita was born in Tihingan Village, Klungkung, November 19, 1960. He started to enjoy poetry actively since teaching at SMP-PGRI Klungkung in 1980. Until he graduated with a Bachelor of History Education and a Masters Degree in Education Research and Evaluation at Undiksha, he wrote Poetry and Cultural Records. Currently, he is the Principal of the Dawan Tourism-PGRI High School, Klungkung. His poetry works were published in Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, Karya Bhakti, Berita Buana, DenPost, and a number of On-line Media such as Jendela Sastra, Poetry Locker, etc. Anthologies of Indonesian-language poetry that have been published with other poets: Pintu Ilalang, Spektrum, Ginseng Tea, Indonesian Poetry 87, Indonesian Poetry Anthology (API) 1997, Inner Coloring Shades with the Association of Indonesian Writers and Poets (HP3N), and Klungkung Tanah Tua Land of Love. Lebur Klungkung is a historical literary work made in the form of a Picture Story, which was worked on with the historical core of Puputan Klungkung with I Wayan Suartha. His single book collection of poems is “Luka Purnama” (2020)

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ida Bagus Gde Parwita dilahirkan di Desa Tihingan, Klungkung, 19 Nopember 1960. Mulai menggemari Puisi secara aktif sejak mengajar di SMP-PGRI Klungkung tahun 1980. Hingga tamat Sarjana Pendidikan Sejarah dan Pasca Sarjana S.2 bidang Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan di Undiksha masih konsisten menulis Puisi dan Catatan Kebudayaan. Sekarang ini menjabat Kepala Sekolah di SMA Pariwisata-PGRI Dawan, Klungkung. Karya- karya Puisi dan Catatan Kebudayaan dipublikasikan tahun 1982, dimuat di Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, Karya Bhakti, Berita Buana, DenPost, dan sejumlah Media On-line seperti Jendela Sastra, Loker Puisi, dll. Antologi Puisi berbahasa Indonesia yang pernah diterbitkan bersama Penyair lainnya: Pintu Ilalang, Spektrum, Teh Ginseng, Puisi Indonesia 87, Antologi Puisi Indonesia (API) 1997, Nuansa Tata Warna Batin bersama Himpunan Penulis Pengarang dan Penyair Nusanatara (HP3N), serta Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta. Lebur Klungkung adalah karya sastra sejarah dibuat dalam bentuk Cerita Bergambar, yang digarap dengan inti sejarah Puputan Klungkung bersama I Wayan Suartha. Buku kumpulan puisi tunggalnya adalah “Luka Purnama” (2020)

Examples of work

Luka Purnama