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Ida Bagus Darmasuta

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Ida Bagus Darmasuta
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In English

Ida Bagus Darmasuta, a Balinese writer, photographer, painter, and also the Head of the Balinese Language Center (2000-2005). He was born in Denpasar, April 10, 1962. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters at Udayana University. Since a student he has been active in literary activities, including writing poetry, short stories, drama scripts, essays, and so on. In 2007 he received the Rancage Literary Award for his services in fostering and facilitating the publication of modern Balinese literature. Besides being active in the world of literature, he is also known as a photographer and painter. In 2014 he launched a poetry and photography book entitled “Jejak Canvas: Poetry-Photography” at Bentara Budaya Bali. In 2016 he participated in exhibiting his photography art at Bentara Budaya Bali in the program "Mahendradatta: Archaeological Traces and Historical Figures". He passed away on August 9, 2019.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ida Bagus Darmasuta, seorang sastrawan Bali, fotografer, pelukis, serta pernah pula menjabat Kepala Balai Bahasa Bali (2000-2005). Dia lahir di Denpasar, 10 April 1962. Dia menamatkan kuliahnya di Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana. Sejak mahasiswa dia telah aktif dalam kegiatan sastra, di antaranya menulis puisi, cerpen, naskah drama, esai, dan sebagainya. Tahun 2007 dia memperoleh Penghargaan Sastra Rancage atas jasanya membina dan memfasilitasi penerbitan buku sastra Bali modern. Selain aktif dalam dunia sastra, dia juga dikenal sebagai fotografer dan pelukis. Tahun 2014 dia meluncurkan buku puisi dan fotografi berjudul “Jejak Kanvas: Puisi-Fotografi” di Bentara Budaya Bali. Pada 2016 dia ikut memamerkan seni fotografinya di Bentara Budaya Bali dalam program "Mahendradatta: Jejak Arkeologis dan Sosok Historis". Dia meninggal dunia pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2019.

Examples of work

Jejak Kanvas: Puisi-Fotografi
1-jejak kanvas.jpg