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A list of all pages that have property "Page text" with value "dugas tiang melali ke pasih ajak reraman tiang e.liu sajan anak ane melali ditu,apa buin anak ane medagang.setiap anak ane suud mebelanje utawi ngajeng luu ne pasti awak e entung ne padahal be siap ne tong sampah kaden pemerintahe.harapan tiang kayangne apang ane membuang sampah ngawak di pasih to apang orinne mayah denda kaden pemerintah e.Lan apang anak-anak ane ngacak luu to sadar apa ane mereka perbuat ento bise ngae bencana.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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  • Literature Tentang Kemacetan  + (di paek umah tiang sai kene macet. krane ddi paek umah tiang sai kene macet. krane di umah tiang paek peken. jam due jam tigu di umah tiang ampun macet krane jam monto mobil ne ngabe barang-barang care sayur care buah-buah to masuk.ento ne krane di poek umah tiang sai kene macet kanti berjam-jam mekelo ne. ane ngabe motor kanti inguh ngantiang macet gen kanti ade ne puter balik. Knpe di paek umah tiang bise macet ? krane wenten ane pedagang ne anggo mobil.hal ne to ngae jalan macet. harapan tiange ke depan ne ampun nang medagang di sisi jalan pang ten ngae macet.edagang di sisi jalan pang ten ngae macet.)
  • Beach  +
  • Literature bukit jati bangli  + (uaning asapunika, kehipun payungsung templuaning asapunika, kehipun payungsung temple Bukit Jati sane taler active kirang langkung 776 people. Krama sane taler is active in Irika Wit Papat, Inggih Punika Bebalang Village, Tamanbali Village, Bunutin and Demulih. So mawon krama ne ten active wit so samian subak dry utawi abian ring Bangli. samian subak dry utawi abian ring Bangli.)
  • Literature Ulun subak bukit jati bangli  + (uaning asapunika, kehipun payungsung templuaning asapunika, kehipun payungsung temple Bukit Jati sane taler active kirang langkung 776 people. Krama sane taler is active in Irika Wit Papat, Inggih Punika Bebalang Village, Tamanbali Village, Bunutin and Demulih. So mawon krama ne ten active wit so samian subak dry utawi abian ring Bangli. samian subak dry utawi abian ring Bangli.)
  • broken roads  + (when the pole starts to move in, the pole when the pole starts to move in, the pole takes the South Nangka road, the road is broken and I can't afford to let my child pass." The pole hopes that the governor of Bali will fix the road so that those who pass it will feel safe. The pole hopes that the PDAM Sing Sai will take the road. The pole hopes to sleep. the people of Sane go through to the pasih tingling of Luwu carelesslyh to the pasih tingling of Luwu carelessly)
  • Beach  + (dugas tiang melali ke pasih ajak reraman tdugas tiang melali ke pasih ajak reraman tiang e.liu sajan anak ane melali ditu,apa buin anak ane medagang.setiap anak ane suud mebelanje utawi ngajeng luu ne pasti awak e entung ne padahal be siap ne tong sampah kaden pemerintahe.harapan tiang kayangne apang ane membuang sampah ngawak di pasih to apang orinne mayah denda kaden pemerintah e.Lan apang anak-anak ane ngacak luu to sadar apa ane mereka perbuat ento bise ngae bencana.ane mereka perbuat ento bise ngae bencana.)
  • Literature Punah Uli Cerik  + ("Punah Uli Cerik" Tun"Punah Uli Cerik" </br>Tuni semeng tiang luas ke umah timpal tiange jagi ngaryanang tugas. Drike tiang makeneh dados makejang mabasa Indonesia. Pekak dadong meme bapane makejang mabasa Indonesia. Soleh tiang ningehang adin timpal tiange ten bisa lan ten uning Basa Bali lantaran saking alit sampun ajahina mabasa Indonesia manten. Saking drika tiang makeneh mangkin dadong lan pekak, meme lan bapa mabasa Indonesia, sinah alit-alite jek lebian sampun mangkin ten uning tekening Base Bali. Sebet pesan keneh tiange mangkin Base Bali sampun ngidik-ngidikang sane melajahin. Akeh masi alit-alit sane ten uning tekening aksara Bali. Dot rasane tiang nyambatang isin keneh tiange. I Meme lan I Bapa mangde prasida ngajahin pianak ne saking alit nganggen Basa Bali lan nulis Aksara Bali apang Basa lan Aksara Baline ten punah. Nanging nyen men tiang sambatin? Uli drika tiang makeneh, yening tiang sampun nganten tur madue pianak, tiang lakar ngajahin pianak tiange nganggen Basa Bali lan ngajahin nulis Aksara Bali saking alit.an ngajahin nulis Aksara Bali saking alit.)
  • "MAI MELALI: Solusi Pariwisata Bali Metangi Berbasis Digital Rikala Pandemi"  + (Bali is famous for tourism with a very strBali is famous for tourism with a very strong religious title. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, it caused all aspects of the community's economic support, especially in the tourism sector, to experience suspended animation. Not only Indonesia, but also similar things are experienced by all countries in the world. As the next generation, we should not only dare to criticize but also dare to innovate in order to create a collaboration that can revive Bali's tourism as before.</br></br>A world that is completely digital, makes us have to strive to be in tune with cultural and technological tourism. Therefore, a solution that can be created is a website called 'Mai Melali' with the use of VR (Virtual Reality) which carries the theme of revitalizing Bali tourism with a digital theme. VR are conceptualized to be enjoyed especially for tourists who have missed Bali since the last time they visited the Island of the Gods. Besides that, this utilization will use several tourist destinations, such as Kuta Beach and religious tourism destinations such as Tirta Empul. By bringing Bali out, it’s hoped that a sense of longing for Bali will arise which will later make the feeling of wanting to visit Bali more volatile.</br></br>Being motivated by the tourism sector alone can be likened to a double-edged sword. Besides being profitable because Bali has great potential, it can also be detrimental because during the current pandemic, all aspects of life have weakened. With the presence of Mai Melali, it’s hoped that all connoisseurs of Bali tourism destinations can feel the atmosphere that was previously felt but was forced to leave for a while due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the help of VR technology, it is easier for us to collaborate with today's globalization. Therefore, let's create Bali tourism with the theme of technology, in order to awaken and revitalize tourism and the Balinese economy. Because we believe, Bali will come back.. Because we believe, Bali will come back.)
  • GUMI LINGGAH AJAK LIU, LIU MASIH ADA LUU  + (Calabingkah beten biu, Belah-belahan pane,Calabingkah beten biu, Belah-belahan pane, Belah-belahan paso, Gumi linggah, ajak liu, Ada kene, ada keto. That's what the Balinese pantun says. Because many people live on earth, there is also a lot of garbage. Because there is a lot of garbage, there are also many problems such as floods and dengue fever.</br>Well friends, we are just passengers on this earth. Do not carelessly throw away garbage that causes the earth to get sick and reduce the use of single-use plastic. We should follow the example of ST. Dhananjaya who processes waste into good ogoh-ogoh with the name I Garuda Mas.</br>Let's be wise in using, disposing and processing plastic waste!!! disposing and processing plastic waste!!!)
  • Clean Bali Series  + (Clean Bali Series is a non-profit organizaClean Bali Series is a non-profit organization that focuses on environmental education. We have and continue to publish a series of the hardback, full-color illustration, children’s environmental books in three languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Balinese, and English). The books focus on the pollution problems of the different areas of the island of Bali (beach, rice fields, and mountains) and of Indonesia as a whole.</br></br>The books are distributed free of charge to schools, educational programs, and environmental organizations. We also provide an additional support and information (environmental programs, book readings, storytelling, songs, games, posters etc.) for the schools, educational programs, and environmental organizations that receive our books.</br></br>The books are also available for purchase at various retail shops and bookstores in Bali and Jakarta. ALL PROCEEDS from the retail sales of the books are used to print additional copies of the books in the series to be distributed free of charge to schools, educational programs, and environmental groups.</br></br>WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE “CLEAN BALI SERIES”?</br>– To bring attention to the pollution problems here in Bali and Indonesia as well as the rest of the world.</br></br>– To provide information, basic education and an understanding of these pollution problems and their causes, as well as possible solutions to them.</br></br>– To prepare this generation and future generations through our efforts, to be better prepared for and better able to make educated and informed decisions when dealing with present and future pollution issues.</br></br>WHAT ARE OUR SHORT AND LONG TERM GOALS?</br>– Our short-term goals are to continue publishing and distributing the two books that we have published (“Penyu and Lumba-lumba” / “Turtle and Dolphin” and “Burung Camar dan Kokokan” / “Seagull and Heron”) as well as finish the third book in the series, “Rajawali dan Anak-anak” / “Rajawali and the Children”.</br></br>– We are also in the finishing stages of printing a two language paperback teachers’ guide with information and lesson plans to accompany the three books in the series. The teachers’ guide will be distributed for free to schools, educational programs, and environmental groups.</br></br>– Start a network with or join other environmental groups to further promote and educate children about the pollution problems here in Bali and elsewhere in the world.s here in Bali and elsewhere in the world.)
  • Literature (Budaya bali)  + (Dina saniscara tiang melajah ngigel di sanDina saniscara tiang melajah ngigel di sanggar. Ditu tiang ningalin timpal-timpal tiang e ngigel. Tiang dadi bangga ajak timpal-timpal tiang e ngidang ngelestariang budaya baline.</br>Tiang demen ngigel, niki taler titiang sareng ngelestariang budaya baline.</br>Di sanggar tiang melajah igelan sakadi, Tari Pendet, Tari Condong, Tari Panyembrahme miwah sane lianan. Ngiring para yowana baline sareng sareng nglestariang budaya baline. sareng sareng nglestariang budaya baline.)
  • Parikrama Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022  + (Halo warga Bali! Apa kabar? Bagaikan air Halo warga Bali! Apa kabar?</br></br>Bagaikan air yang mengalir, tidak terasa waktu berjalan dengan cepat, tahun baru 2022 sudah dimulai. Semoga anda senantiasa dianugrahi keselamatan di mana pun berada.</br></br>Kira-kira sudah dua tahun pandemi Covid-19 melanda dunia. Ada banyak sekali permasalahan dan dinamika kehidupan yang kita hadapi belakangan ini. Tidak hentinya juga beragam usaha yang dilakukan untuk menangani kesulitan ini. Akan tetapi …</br></br>Di saat pandemi mendatangkan ‘kegelapan’, sastra yang dapat meneranginya, bahasa yang menjadi minyaknya, mengalir bagaikan air yang selalu memberi guna bagi siapa pun yang memerlukan. Sehubungan dengan analogi tersebut, Pemerintah Provinsi Bali, diwakili oleh Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali, kembali mengadakan acara Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022, yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 1-28 Februari 2022.</br></br>Bulan Bahasa Bali keempat tahun 2022 ini bertema Danu Kerthi: Gitaning Toya Ening - Toya Pinaka Wit Guna Widya. Artinya, Bulan Bahasa Bali sebagai simbol perjalanan pengetahuan yang mengalir tiada henti menyediakan kebenaran, kesejahteraan, dan keutamaan dunia. Acara ini akan diadakan secara hibrid. Istilah hibrid mengacu pada acara yang dilaksanakan luring dan daring. Ada berbagai macam acara seperti seminar, loka karya, festival, pergelaran, pameran aksara, dan beberapa lomba yang berhadiah jutaan rupiah!</br></br>Warga Bali, mari bersiap-siap menyambut acara Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022! Info lengkap mengenai jadwal acara dan lomba Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022 bisa diakses melalui media sosial Instagram (IG), Facebook (FB), dan tautan lynk.id/bulanbahasabali. </br></br>Terima kasih.</br></br>IG : @bulanbahasabali2022</br>FB : Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022</br></br>#DanuKerthi</br>#GitaningToyaEning</br>#BulanBahasaBali2022hi #GitaningToyaEning #BulanBahasaBali2022)
  • Jalan abiansemal usak  + (Jalan di abiansemal usak Wastan titiang IJalan di abiansemal usak</br></br>Wastan titiang I Gusti Ngurah Putra Merta Yoga titiang saking krobokan tiyang megenah masuk ring smk pgri 2 badung </br></br>Di abiansemal nika polih kabel pln jalanan sane ten becik cingakin wantah ten beraturan utawi di mekacakan </br>Solisi :menata kabel pln agar lebih rapi ,tidak acak acakan ,dan tidak membahayakan masyarakat</br> </br>Di Abiansemal jalane usak,sane ngeranang jalane usak punika ulian banjir lan trek sane makte beban baat lewat</br>Solusi:pemerintah pantesne menin jalan nike seenggal mungkin,sekonden wentel kecelakaan.enggal mungkin,sekonden wentel kecelakaan.)
  • Bahasa bali di masa depan  + (Jani titiang iri jak timpal-timpal/anggotaJani titiang iri jak timpal-timpal/anggota keluarga titiang, mereka ngidang berbahasa bali alus sedangkan titiang? Sekebedik sing ngidang titiang. Harapan titiang, durinan bahasa bali ngidang keplajahang anggen media-media yang menarik, praktis, lan menyenangkan. Sekadi, word games, video youtube, tiktok, lan yang ane mirip. Jani teknologi subo canggih, se canggih-canggih ne care film star wars AOWKAOWKOK, dumogi bahasa bali ngidang kaplajahang anggen robot-robot, karakter proyeksi interaktif, lan kamus lengkap basa bali sekadi Basabali.org. Tapi jani titiang ngidang berbahasa bali sekebediiiik gen. Lan nike karena pergaulan disekolah, tapi aget bet ne ngelah timpal yang ane ngidang basa bali. Jani titiang ngerti kata-kata basa bali setiap hari sekadi, ngajeng, tresna, bungut, lan lain lain. Balik lagi ke ide "Belajar basa bali dengan media menarik, praktis, dan menyenangkan". Nah, mangkin astungkara gen terjadi.kan". Nah, mangkin astungkara gen terjadi.)
  • lack of seriousness of students in learning  + (Judul : kirang nelebin peplajahan Aab Judul : kirang nelebin peplajahan</br> Aab sane mangkin sisia-sisia ngambil hp. Punika ngawenang para sisia kapah ngambil buku utawi melajah. Akehan para yowana nganggen hp punika ane boya-boya. Dadosnyane ring peplajahan para sisia kirang ngresepang peplajahan. Ngiring irage seleg melajah utawi literasi buku, krana buku kasengguh gudang ilmuasi buku, krana buku kasengguh gudang ilmu)
  • Wariga Gemet  + (Lontar Wariga Gemet inggih punika silih siLontar Wariga Gemet inggih punika silih sinunggil lontar patenungan tradisional Bali. Daging lontar puniki inggih punika campuhan patenungan Jawa miwah Bali, sane akehan ngenenin indik pangiab rahina, wuku miwah sasih ritatkala anake embas antuk bikas lan karmanipun. Ring lontar puniki taler munggah ketekan wuku, sasih (bulan) miwah wewaran sinarengan akeh urip utawi neptu suang-suang wuku.</br></br>Ring Wariga Gemet, wenten taler ketekan pancawara lan saptawara, tur sapunapi makakalih wewaran puniki ngiabin pangurip lan pangupajiwan manusane. </br></br>Wariga Gemet taler kaanggen netepang ala-ayuning dewasa pabayuhan manut rahina ritatkala anake alit embas. Yadiastun ketekan patenungan ring Wariga Gemet nenten madasar antuk posisi bintang lan planet ring langite, lontar puniki nganggen sistem ketekan wewaran saking ekawara nyantos dasawara. Nika mawinan, sistem patenungan ring Wariga Gemet akehan madasar antuk urip, nenten saking posisi bintang lan planet ring langite (birth chart).ang lan planet ring langite (birth chart).)
  • keamanan daerah  + (Nama: inyoman darma putra Absen :11 ORASI Nama: inyoman darma putra</br>Absen :11</br>ORASI</br>om Swastiastu, perkenalkan wastan titiang i Nyoman darma putra,titiang saking br,samu, mekar Bhuana, Abiansemal -badung</br></br>masalah sane patut selesaiang teken pemerintah,masalah begal ring desa mekar Bhuana,ring jalan tingas ke sedang</br></br>drike biasane Wenten ade begal lan trek trek an,krane jalane drike sepi lan lampu penerangan Ten akehe drike sepi lan lampu penerangan Ten akeh)
  • Punapi kawentenan Guru Wisesane ring Pemilu 2024? II  + (OM SWASTYASTU Suksma aturang titiang majeOM SWASTYASTU</br>Suksma aturang titiang majeng ring Dinas Pendidikan Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Provinsi Bali sane sampun ngawentenang pacentokan Bali Berorasi puniki,naler Wikiton.</br></br>Ring kawentenan sane becik puniki titiang jagi nyihnanyang angga,Wastan titiang Ni Kadek Mia Juniarti saking SMKN 1 Kuta Selatan ring kawentenan puniki jagi ngungayang indik kawentenang ring Masyarakat sane mamurda “ Punapi kawentenan Guru Wisesane ring Pemilu 2024?”</br></br>Guru wisesa silih sinunggil pahan saking Catur Guru sane wenten ring Sastra Agama Hindune.Jangkep nyane Catur Guru kasobyahang wenten Guru Swadhyaya pinaka Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, Guru Wisesa pinaka pemerintah, Guru Pengajian pinaka guru sekolah, lan kaping untat Guru Rupaka pinaka rerama.Ring galah puniki titian jagi maosang indik guru Wisesa.Napike Guru Wisesa wantah ngatur karamane manten?Cawisane pastikan nenten,liananken punika pamerintah patut ngemuhan masyaraktne,ngayahin masyakatne mangda adil miwah mirengang pikobet sane nibenin masyarakatne. </br>Pikobet ring pamerintah nenten je asiki nanging akeh pisan silih sinunggil nyane kawentenan Pemilu.Pemilu akeh ngamedalang pikobet minakadi Politik Uang miwah Orti Hoax utawi Hate Speech ritatkala kampanye</br></br>Kawentenan punika prasida katambakin mangda kawentenan pemilune mamargai antar manut ring tata aturan sane kacumawisang antuk kesadaran lan tanggung jawab sami Masyarakat indik kawentenan Pemilu .Nika krana yening cingak sane sampun liwat Pendidikan politik lan sosialisasi politik nenten mamargi sinarengan,kawentenan punika wantah dados tugas penyelenggara kemanten.Partai politik lan pemerintah patut menyarengin pakaryane punika.Iraga makasami naler nguratiang hak-hak konstitusi Masyarakat sumangdane kajaga tur ter akomodir ring Pemilu.</br></br>Ngiring !! Sinamian suksesang Pemilu 2024 antuk nyagra saking daya-daya jele sane wenten saking Pemilu sane dumunan mangda pasida Pemilu warsa 2024 puniki mamargi antar.</br></br>Inggih wantah asapunika ngenenin indik daging manah titiang manados Masyarakat,titian mapinunas napi sane kasobyahang prasida kapinehin tur karesepang olih para pemangku kebijakan minakadi guru wisesane sane madue wewenang tur kebijakan sumangdane kawentenan Gumi Baline ngangsan becik tur trepti.</br></br>Sineb titiang antuk Parama Santih</br></br>Om Santih,Santih,Santih Om Parama Santih Om Santih,Santih,Santih Om)
  • Kesuksesan proses kepemimpinan  + (Om Swastiastu Titiang ngaturang rasa pangOm Swastiastu</br></br>Titiang ngaturang rasa pangayubagia majeng ring Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa antuk asung kerta wara nugraha Ida titiang prasuda nyurat orasi puniki. Pulau Bali antuk destinasi wisata internasional yang memiliki reputasi positif. Akeh wisatawan sane terkesan nikmatin kaluungan alam dan budaya Bali, olih karna ento Bali mrasidayang bersaing dados destinasi wisata populer ngalahin negara sane lianan. Menteri Pariwisata lan Ekonomi Kreatif (Parekraf) Sandiaga Salahudin Uno ngorahang Pulau Bali dados penyumbang devisa negara terakeh antuk Indonesia, terakeh kedua setelah industri Minyak dan Gas.</br>"Bali ini masih menjadi top of mind untuk pariwisata Indonesia.</br></br>Nanging dibalik kemegahan pariwisata ring Bali, upami akeh pisan hotel-hotel, vila, restoran lan sane lianan. Ring galahe sane mangkin liu pesan pikobet sane mrasidayang kaon ring jagat Baline. Pinaka pikobet korupsi olih pejabat pemerintah, pikobet ring pendidikan, pikobet ring kesehatan upami penyakit menular sane akeh lan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan.</br></br>Inggih ida dane sareng sami nika wantah orasi titiang antuk pikobet kesenjangan ekonomi sane patut kautamang olih calon pemimpin Bali. Astungkara calon pemimpin Bali sane kapilih antuk Pemilu 2024 mrasidayang nanganin indik pikobet kesenjangan ekonomi ring Bali.</br></br>Ida dane sareng sami titiang ngaturang pangampura yening titiang wenten pelih rikala nyurat teks orasi puniki. Sareng titiang ngaturang parasuksma majeng ring pamiarsa sane sampun ngewacen teks orasi karya titiang niki. Inggih puput titiang teks orasi niki antuk ngaturang paramasanthi.</br>Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om. paramasanthi. Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om.)
  • Disinformasi Ring Media Sosial  + (Om Swastiastu Tiang jagi ngelanturang pendOm Swastiastu</br>Tiang jagi ngelanturang pendapat tiang tetang "Lelampahan Anak Luh Nepasin Disinformasi"</br></br>Perkembangan social media sane sekadi mangkin, nika sangat berpengaruh antuk semeton pemuda miwah pemudi mirengan informasi. Sedangkan informasi ring social media nika ten konyangan tepat miwah becik. Sebagian informasi nika wenten same hoax. Nah peranan rage sebagai pemuda ring pemudi niki harus ngidang membedakan sane cen informasi becik sane cen informasi sane hoax. </br></br>Carane apang ngidang nawang sane becik miwah hoax. Sane pertama kenalin dumun sumber informasi ne. Usahakan rereh informasi ring sumber sane tepat lan terpercaya. Sane nomer kalih, cek pedidi kebenaran infomasi nika, sampunan kanti langsung percaya. Sane nomer telu, sampunang berita kari simpang siur sampun ka share ring media social.ng siur sampun ka share ring media social.)
  • Tiang Anak Luh ané Mara Dadi Rerama Sayaga Nepasin Orta Soléh/Misinformation di Sisi  + (Om Swastyastu On this good occasion, let Om Swastyastu</br></br>On this good occasion, let me tell you the journey of my experience when I faced rumors or misinformation in her life.</br></br>My name is Luh Leni, I've lived in the village for a year, in my husband's village. Likewise, my two children live in the village. I Putu Oka, my eldest child, is over five years old. I sent him to a kindergarten in the village.</br></br>This Corona virus makes me live like this, which teaches me to be more patient, to always think long-term. Because of the Corona virus, my husband, Bli Putra, got laid off from his workplace. Unable to find work in the city, my husband took my children and me back to the village. Since I also don't have a job in the city, only taking care of my children, I agree to my husband's wishes, even though there is something heavy in my heart.</br></br>When I started living in the village, my neighbors started talking loudly. I am often talked about on the street, in angkringan, in stalls, in markets or in the fields. They said my job was just to dress up, not to take care of my children. It's all because of the clothes I wear in the village. The neighbors said that I only spend my husband's money.</br></br>“Luh Leni, don't feel sorry for your husband. For years your husband worked in the city, but still that's it. Maybe your husband's salary is only used to buy primers, but the clothes are just amazing. Now he goes to the village without anything. In the end he only digs into the fields.” That was the talk of the neighbors that I had heard. Who the heck started making a story like that? it's already spread out there, to the point that my in-laws hear and believe the news outside. The purpose of people spreading hoax news is only so that there will be division in the family, mainly so that I fight with my in-laws. My ears are hot, I am angry, but I still try to keep quiet. I told this to my husband. He also asked me to keep quiet about the news.</br></br>I have lots of clothes that are fine, because I take good care of them. Those are the clothes I bought when I was single, when I wore them to college. Since marriage, my husband has never once bought me clothes. The money is used up to pay debts when married, after that it is used for the expenses of the children.</br></br>When the first child was young, when invited home before 'ngotonin' or heading home for the holidays, I also became a topic of conversation in the village. People say I'm a spoiled parent because my child uses diapers. People say I'm lazy to wash children's clothes. There are also those who say I'm just like a rich person, a waste of money. You buy the urine container, and you will waste it anyway. Actually, my husband and I had a lot of discussion when deciding to buy diapers for children. When in town, we lived in a boarding house. The part of the drying area is not too wide, if you don't use diapers, my child will very often change clothes / pants, which makes the laundry pile up, and there are no other clothes. Especially in the rainy season, it takes longer for the clothes dry, and the diapers helped me at that time. I never wash the laundry there. It doesn't feel good to wash clothes in someone else's house.</br></br>Because my son uses diapers, my mother-in-law scolded me at that time too, for believing in the chatter out there.</br></br>“This is indeed the first time you have become a parent, and your child is spoiled. Don't you feel sorry for your child's legs to get bruised from wearing diapers? Is it just that washing pants filled with pee and feces disgust you? Just have your child wear pants. They don't have to wear diapers like that, it's a waste of money. Buy good rice, for a full stomach! " Hearing the words of the mother-in-law like that, I was shocked, I was just silent. Immediately, I took off my child's diaper even though it didn't contain much urine. Since then, every time I return to the village, I don't put my child in a diaper.</br></br>I am indeed a woman just learning to be a parent, but I'm not that stupid. When I was pregnant, I had asked the doctor about the dangers of using diapers. I also often read on the internet, for example the article "Using Disposable Diapers Make Baby's Feet O-Shaped, Myth or Fact?" According to the doctor at health.detik.com, when a baby's leg looks like the letter O, it is not due to using a diaper, but because of a bone disorder or something congenital in nature. This is also in line with what is said by the gynecologist who checks my womb every month.</br></br>In the village, the belief that diapers make baby's feet clubby is still believed today, as well as my in-laws. That's what makes my in-laws angry when I put diapers on my kids. Even though I already know the truth, I just keep quiet. I feel that I am still much younger, still feel like a child, I have to obey my parents. If you resist, of course it will trigger an argument, and you dare not fight your parents. Even if I was actually the one who was right, I would still be blamed, because it is said that my parents were the first to feel the bitterness of life. Before I lived in the village, before Corona, when I was in town, my son still used diapers until he was over two years old, but he used them only occassionally, especially when traveling, so as not to urinate on the trip.</br></br>Now that my second child is two years old, because I live in the village, I secretly put him in a diaper at night before going to bed or when I was going to take him out. It's not because I can't afford to buy diapers, but because I'm tired of hearing what my in-laws and neighbors say about diapers making clubby legs. The proof is that my first child, now has entered kindergarten, and thankfully his legs are okay even though he used to wear diapers for more than two years. </br>I really prefer to be silent about that kind of thing with my parents, because it would be useless to talk. I will explain the truth about using diapers that are proven safe to my brothers and sisters, to mothers in the village, especially those who are newly married and will have children. Because the size of the diaper follows the age and weight of the baby, so if you use it correctly, they will be safe and will not make the baby's feet get clubby.</br></br>*****</br></br>Reference Source: </br>- healt.detik.com</br>- hellosehat.com/parenting/anak-6-sampai-9-tahun/perkembangan-anak/manfaat-dan-dampak-les-untuk-anak/</br>- J.I.G..Drost, S.J.dkk.(2003). Perilaku Anak Usia Dini Kasus dan Pemecahannya. Yogyakarta: Kanisius</br>- kompasiana.com</br>- kompas.com</br>- Ruang Guru Paud Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanPaud Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan)
  • Catur Bekal Manumadi  + (Suka, Duka, Lara, Pati are provisions thatSuka, Duka, Lara, Pati are provisions that cannot be separated from our lives. Suka, happiness. Duka, sorrow. Lara, the misery in life. Pati, death.</br>A government has the responsibility to protect its people, not just itself but also the society. Its name is also GOVERNMENT, of course, must help its people through sad times and share its joy for its people. Don't leave the people in misery, stay with the people through sour-bitter-sweet phases until the end of their lives. Don't be like a peanut forgetting its skin. The government must remember its people because the government exists because of its people.</br>Putu Made, teke uli panti (Putu Made from panti)</br>Ape gae, ento abe mati (whatever you sow, you'll bring it till you die)ver you sow, you'll bring it till you die))
  • Literature subak bukit  + (The ritual of sane duk niki sampun janten kalaksanayang olih subak inggih punika, pangluk merana ceremony. Nunas fertility sign Ida Batari apang sida agricultural produce abundant manners and nenten kekenin five ages)
  • DUH! SAMPUN MEWEH MALASIN LELUU, JEG MALIH KACAMPUR  + (Tiang ajak rabin tiang madue utsaha alit mTiang ajak rabin tiang madue utsaha alit madagang sanganan. Wastan utsahane @awigenam. Tiang uning makarya sanganan kering. Daweg tiang makarya sanganan, janten akeh wenten leluu minakadi sisan lakar sanganan (organik) tur leluu anorganik sakadi bekas sarung tangan plastik. Duaning tiang satata ngangge sarung tangan tur masker ritatkala makarya sanganan, dadosne leluu punika musti kaentungang ring genah sane aman tur matekep. Leluu anorganik punika palasang tiang sareng leluu organik. Nanging kaon pisan, tukang nuduk leluune jeg malih nyampur sami leluu punika ritatkala kamuat ring truk leluu. Jeg pocol tiang malasang leluu.ruk leluu. Jeg pocol tiang malasang leluu.)
  • Literature ke indahan masyarakat bali  + (Tiang anak bali asli nepukin bali mangkin Tiang anak bali asli nepukin bali mangkin sampun rame turis’ ka bali ubud sampun macet pateh teken canggu lan seminyak masyarakat bali bek maan pegae ring turis sane teka ka bali Bali ento daerah sane terkenal ring mancan negara keindahan nyane, masyarakat nyane ramah mekejang masyarakat ring bali patut teken aturan pemerintahan ring bali. bek bule sane netep lan nganten sareng nak baliule sane netep lan nganten sareng nak bali)
  • NAMPIHANG TAS KRESEK BEKAS APANG TUSING ROMON  + (Tiang pepes maan tas kresek suud mablanja,Tiang pepes maan tas kresek suud mablanja, utamane pas meli lakar jukut di peken. Tiang anak demen jukut. Yen meli jukut pastika liu-liu. Tas kresekne masi gede-gede, ane barak-barak to. Liunan jani tas kresek ento entunganga. Padahal tas kresek ento nak dadi simpen. Carane, tampihang ia apang tusing liu nelahang tongos. Anak mula agak repot abedik, nanging yen suba biasa nampihang tas kresek, pasti rapi dadine tur aluh nyemak yen lakar anggo buin. Yen tas kreseke tusing tampihang, pasti maseselan di lemari utawi di lacine. Ento ngranang enggal bek tur tusing luung tolih. Yen suba biasa nampihang tas kresek bekas, laci tur lemarine dadi kedas.resek bekas, laci tur lemarine dadi kedas.)
  • Literature ini Harapan ketut  + (Tlang l Ketut Sedana Tayun 6B (Tuna rungu)Tlang l Ketut Sedana Tayun 6B (Tuna rungu) Tiang ngelah hobi main volli, bulu tangkis lan malayangan sabilang libur tiaug nulungin l Meme matanding canang. Tiang demen maolah raga kewala konden ada fasilitas olau raga anggon panyaada disabilitas cara ane tiang tawang.anyaada disabilitas cara ane tiang tawang.)
  • Truna truni keren sing harus bisa memunyah  + (Truna truni keren sing harus bisa memunyahTruna truni keren sing harus bisa memunyah</br></br>Truna truni jaman mangkin sampun kene pengaruh pergaulan bebas. Contohne memunyah ulian tuak, arak, lan minuman beralkohol sane lianan. Liu anak mekeneh yen tusing milu memunyah tusing ngenah keren. Nanging nike tusing beneh, karne memunyah ngeranayang irage sap melajah, timpal sane lianan masuk ke sekolah irage ijin ulian punyah tusing nyidaang ke sekolah. Liu mase anak sane nagih nyobak cepok pindo nanging nike bisa ngae irage ketagihan minum. Sing perlu irage minum utawi memunyah apang ngenah keren, apang liu ngelah timpal, ape buin hargain timpal, anak liu carane apang keren sekadi</br>rajin melajah, rajin muspe, nulungin rerama. Yang jelas masih melakukan kegiatan positif 🙏g jelas masih melakukan kegiatan positif 🙏)
  • BALI MELALI: Nangiang Pariwisata Ring Bali  + (Who doesn't know about the island of Bali?Who doesn't know about the island of Bali? The island is already famous to foreign countries. Tourism in Bali is the source of the economy that supports most Balinese people. But as it is now, Bali tourism has dimmed since the Covid-19 virus is endemic in the world. It has been two years since the Covid-19 virus has attacked our beloved earth. Several policies have been implemented. However, Bali tourism has not been able to return to normal. We as citizens, especially as young Balinese, should provide and carry out creative efforts that can stimulate tourism in Bali.</br></br>In this era of globalization, everything is digital and sophisticated. We can use this advanced technological development as a tool to generate tourism in Bali. One of the creative businesses that can generate tourism in Bali is an application called BALI MELALI. This application uses technology in the form of VR or Virtual Reality. In the BALI MELALI application, it displays tourism destinations in Bali. If you use this VR technology, tourists or anyone who has downloaded the BALI MELALI application can see the tourism places that we want. Using this VR, tourism destinations in Bali can be seen for real, this can foster a sense of longing for Bali and cause tourists to want to come again to Bali.</br></br>In the BALI MELALI application, it not only displays well-known tourism destinations, but should also display places that are not widely known. In Bali, there are actually many tourist destinations that are not well known. If you only show places like Kuta Beach, Pandawa Beach, many tourists will already know. That's why in this application it is very good if it shows places that are not known by many people. Not only that, the BALI MELALI application does not only display virtual or images, but can be filled with sounds that are in that place. For example at Candikuning Waterfall, if we travel to waterfalls, there are definitely sounds like the sound of gurgling water, the sound of trees blowing by the wind, the sound of birds and so on.</br>The presence of images and sounds in the BALI MELALI ibi application can certainly cause longing from tourists and travel to Bali. Hopefully the business in the form of the BALI MELALI application can help Bali tourism return to normal. Hopefully Bali tourism will rise soon.al. Hopefully Bali tourism will rise soon.)
  • Bali in equality  + (Why are there so many phenomena when boys Why are there so many phenomena when boys who are born are said to be safe and considered lucky, but if women are often said "yes, that's okay". It's just realistic that many people think that women have a lower position than men. What's the difference though? In religion women and men have the same role and position. Male and female elements, "purusa and pradana" are in human beings and are important in the process of creation. Women also have a triple role, they can have a household, they can work for a living, moreover they can be active with local residents. Mebraya, metanding, ngayah are common things that women do. If that's the case, why is it often said that only sons can continue offspring, right? Even though the system in Bali adheres to patriarchy, there is still such a thing as "nyentana" when a man lives in the household of his wife). The understanding of gender equality is very appropriate to be applied by all Balinese people. Women can still lead and take care of all the affairs and many jobs. It is time for a culture that follows religion to look at this in another way for the common good. “Pesu peluh meli taluh, eda kadena aluh dadi anak luh“.eli taluh, eda kadena aluh dadi anak luh“.)
  • BIOPORI, GENAH NGUTANG SISAN AJENGAN  + (Yening tiang madue sisan ajengan di jumah,Yening tiang madue sisan ajengan di jumah, pastika entungang tiang ring biopori. Biopori nika wantah bolong di tanahe, sane kakaryanang di natah umah, jero soang-soang. Dalemne sawetara 3-4 meter, tur matekep mangda tan maebo. Biopori puniki mapikenoh pisan duaning dados angge genah ngentungang sisan ajeng-ajengan sane sampun pasil. Sisan ajeng-ajengan puniki pacang terurai dados kompos alami irika ring sor tanahe. Napi malih yening keni sabeh, biopori puniki banget mawiguna duaning prasida ngisep toya mangda nenten blabar. Kompos alami saking sor tanah puniki pacang kaisep langsung olih entik-entikane, mawastu dados mokoh. olih entik-entikane, mawastu dados mokoh.)