4 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas Nglawan Luu Plastik

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COVER LAMM 4 1.jpg
I Nyoman Mayartayasa
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Banyu Pinaruh
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ISBN 978-623-93422-1-0
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Video by: Rucina Ballinger

In English

Luh Ayu Manik Mas is an ordinary Balinese eighth grader. who, But when there is danger or injustice happens, she uses her bracelet covering a dragon birthmark to turn into a heroine with extraordinary powers. In her latest adventure, Luh Ayu goes with her grandmother to the beach to celebrate a local traditional holiday. When she reaches the shore, she sees her grandmother cut her foot on plastic trash. She looks around and sees finds a hurt turtle, some dead fish and people swimming in trash. All of a sudden, a fierce monster emerges from the water to attack everyone, including poor Luh Ayu. who is being swallowed by the plastic spitting monster. He is angry and merciless because he himself has suffered from the growing plastic in the seas. He wants revenge. What will Luh Ayu do? How will Will she save herself, her injured grandmother, her friends and the polluted oceans?

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Saat situasi mendesak, cahaya seketika keluar melingkupi tubuh Luh Ayu Manik. Cahaya tersebut muncul dari tanda lahir siluet naga di pergelangan tangan kanan dan benang tri datu pemberian neneknya. Seraya mengucapkan "Dengan energi semesta, menjelmalah aku : Luh Ayu Manik Mas!!!" remaja kelas delapan itu melesat memberikan pertolongan. Dalam kisah petualangannya yang ke-4 ini, berdasarkan bincang-bincang lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh Luh Ayu dengan publik, dicerita kali ini Luh Ayu berperang melawan monster laut. Monster laut mengeluarkan gulungan plastik, botol, sedotan yang dimakan olehnya beserta kawan-kawannya selama beberapa dekade. Monster itu membungkus gulungan plastik di sekitar Luh Ayu. Bisakah Luh Ayu menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri dan juga masyarakat dari monster plastik ini?


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