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  • Benincasa hispida en
  • a large ellipsoidal shaped fruit that grows on a vine. Very commonly used as a vegetable en
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Usage Examples

Titiang wit bligo. Woh rauh ring akah tis, punya don lan engket dumalada. Yan hana sakitnangis tan kena takonin, setata mettang, ikasakit tiwang tungtung tangis. Ambil woh titiang anggen loloh, lan gula, yeh nyuh, miwah kerikan cenana.
I am the Bligo vine (Wax Gourd or Benincasa hispida). My fruit to my roots is cold. My stem and my sap is medium. If a person cries continually and cannot be approached, and is alwats silent, this is called the tiwang tuntung disease. Take my fruit as a herbal tonic mixed with sugar and fresh coconut water together with a piece of sandalwood.

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Niki mawasta buah bligo, buah niki dados anggon jukut.
This is the fruit of the Bligo vine and it can be used as a vegetable.

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