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|Video=I Hear You Tree.mp4
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|Linked place=ManButur Sawidji Art and Photography
|Linked place=ManButur Sawidji Art and Photography
|Biography text=ManButur Suantara is a Fine Art Photographer. An artist, teacher and mentor in the Industry for over a decade his contributions into the many genres of photography is vast. His love for Nature does not only inspire his art but also his environmental and wildlife documentation projects. Considerable in scope and dedication as his way of giving back to Mother Nature.
|Biography text=ManButur Suantara is a Fine Art Photographer. An artist, teacher and mentor in the Industry for over a decade his contributions into the many genres of photography is vast. His love for Nature does not only inspire his art but also his environmental and wildlife documentation projects. Considerable in scope and dedication as his way of giving back to Mother Nature.

Revision as of 12:30, 6 July 2022

Full Name
Nyoman Butur Suantara
Pen Name
Photograph by
Dewi Dian Reich
Link to Photograph
Website for biography
ManButur Sawidji Art and Photography
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In English

ManButur Suantara is a Fine Art Photographer. An artist, teacher and mentor in the Industry for over a decade his contributions into the many genres of photography is vast. His love for Nature does not only inspire his art but also his environmental and wildlife documentation projects. Considerable in scope and dedication as his way of giving back to Mother Nature.

Born in Amlapura, a small town in the east part of Bali Island. ManButur Suantara is a freelance photographer with a strong passion for Landscape Photography. For years now he has explored Nature scapes through extensive travel.

Besides Landscape Photography, Nyoman has been for many years active in different areas of Commercial Photography as well. A veteran of several genres including architectural, food, events as well as macro photography.

Bali is Nyoman’s home base. With its rich natural beauty and culture. Providing Nyoman with ample themes in which his Landscape and Cultural Photography can truly be seen for its artistic depth.

ManButur Suantara is also associated with MY TRIP INDONESIA. Through this project he actively travels to many parts of Indonesia. Providing training and mentoring for clients who wish to learn Photography with a more customised and tailored personal program.

Environmental Wildlife Project mostly with the documentation of bird species which are found in Bali. Either they are endemic or migrating birds, Nyoman is contributing significant time to explore and capture images of them in their habitat as record for their species.

Manbutur and Sawidji have come together in partnership in the formation of Manbutur Sawidji Fine Art Photography. This project is exciting. Upcoming: Collaborative Fine Art Photography Projects and Exhibitions Scheduled workshops and training programs

With a focus on education towards Nature, Art and Culture.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

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Examples of work

Mt Agung as seen from Mahagiri.

Landscape photography is very satisfying when you explore this genre. Especially if you are lucky enough to live in a place that has amazing destinations all within a short distance and rich in diversity as we have. All places on earth have their natural beauty.

Its Technical, Zero Exposure takes a look at the fundamentals of lighting in photography. With beautiful examples from ManButurs' Landscape Photography.
“Magic is seeing wonder in nature's every little thing, seeing how wonderful the fireflies are and how magical are the dragonflies.”

― Ama H.Vanniarachchy Photography by ManButur Suantara that explores Macro photography, specifically only using natural light in natural environments with no staging.

The dictionary definition of Macro Photography is simply taking a picture extremely close up, bigger than life-size.

Macro photography is all about showcasing a subject larger than it is in real life — an extreme close-up of something small. A full-frame insect in a five-by-seven-inch photo and a four-inch product shot of a cornflake go well above life-size: both are examples of macro photography. -
Green Lizard by ManButur Suantara, explores macro photography using only natural light in natural surrounds. The wonderful, beautiful sometimes fearsome world of Nature under the Macro lens is one that is astounding in its own right. To look so closely upon Natures private little gardens that we did not have the privilege to see so closely until recently in history. Visit the macro gallery at https://sawidjistudio.com/gallery/macro-gallery/
I See Fire. ManButur Suantara shares his experience and photography of the Ter-Teran fire ritual in the village of Jasri, Karangasem Bali on March 21st 2023. The full account and series of works by ManButur Suantara is published online at sawidjistudio.com/2023/03/31/i-see-fire/

This ritual is known as Ter-Teran held in the village of Jasri in Karangasem Regency Bali. This ritual is held to keep the evil spirits away so that the silent day of Nyepi will be able to pass peacefully, quietly and with blessing...

Ter Teran is held only once every two years. and this is spontaneous without staging or planning. In other villages, this type of fire war enactment is ritualised whereas the process is a little bit more free-flowing, here in Ter Teran in Jasri. The atmosphere is truly mystical. It is not something planned or scripted. There are not many tourists as this is not a common attraction. There is a wildness about it. It does not look like a demonstration set up to cater to an audience. The sacred energy of this ritual still feels very strong.
'Melodious Urban' is a new work by ManButur Suantara in response to the theme 'World Without Sound' exhibition Sawidji Gallery.

Do we relate to noise as a disturbance? Does quiet mean peace?

Capturing the hustle and bustle of Gajah Mada Street Denpasar, the image was made with multiple exposure techniques. With a combination of 9 images to become one single image. Then there are 25 of these images made up of 9 each. For some people who live on this busy street, the noise is normal for them. To see the loud exhausts of cars and motorbikes and the horns from traffic 24 hours a day. However, when I ask some people who live there, they don't say it is noisy. they say it is normal.

It seems like they are conditioned to the environment and are on good terms with the noise. By creating this image I am trying to see the world inverted. To be in this activity and relate to the silence and quiet that some people seem to find there.
Mountain in Black and White by ManButur Suantara in black and white is a spotlight on a collection of works by Nyoman ManButur Suantara. Featuring the mountains of our islands. What meaning is there in the word 'Mountain'. What feelings do we feel when seeing 'Mountain'? And what thoughts do we have when we stand upon a 'Mountain'? "From the ancient civilisation until now in parts of the world Mountain still exists. Being one of the sources of energy. In traditional cultures the mountain holds a significant place in the lives of the community." ~ManButur Suantara
"My memories of the Legong dance.. growing up I see a lot of paintings of a dancer in costume. I tried to create a photograph of the dance that is like a painting.. but still has the spirit and movement of the dance.." ~Nyoman ‘Butur’ Suantara

Excerpt from article "Legong Rhapsody, a Dance Through Time" by Dewi Dian Reich.

We have a series of works by ManButur Suantara that singularly looks at one particular dance. The Legong Dance of Bali, 'Tari Legong Bali'. Balinese culture is full of beauty in so many respects. Wherever you turn you will find something rich and sumptuous in colour and also mystery. Its rituals and ceremony are profoundly deep. It draws the attention of the world. This is not the first time the dances of Bali is the object of art. Images depicting our culture is saturating mainstream media due to its power of influence towards a profitable industry. Tourism.

On the positive side this means the beauty of Balinese culture is recognised by many. I mention this because I wish to draw attention to something that might be overlooked. There is something really special to reflect on here that would be remiss not to point out. Purely for our artistic discussion. As a series in photography there are interesting aspects that we can learn from.

Read full article in image reference link.
A collection images in black and white by ManButur dedicated to the meaning and value of Trees. ManButur Suantara interviewed by Sawidji Gallery for the article 'I Hear You Tree'. Part of several discussions regarding the power and contribution of Trees into human lives. As started by artist Made Budiarta in 'Inauguration of Trees'.
"Guardian II" is part of a series of black and white photographs by ManButur Suantara exploring Water.

When one hears ‘Water’, immediately our minds go to all the things that are sensory and visual. We think of the colour blue and we associate the feeling ‘wet’. Around us, Water is ocean, lake, rain, and dew. In feelings, we may associate coolness, wetness, thirst, and by association dryness. In ManButur’s Water series, its most interesting that those associations are the least pronounced.

We are inadvertently guided to experience Water, in a different way. Here, Water is present, but as a quiet supporting role. A presence that does not scream out. Yet, its presence transports us to a place quite different. Here, Water have merged together the earth and the sky.
Walakiri Tree is part of the series ‘Trees’ in Black and White by ManButur Suantara. Walakiri Tree is released as Limited Edition prints and signed by the artist.

Trees in Black and White by ManButur Suantara. The beauty and poetic vision of ManButur in a series of captures across the Indonesian landscapes. What do you feel when you see a trees’ shadow? When you look upon their reflections and silhouettes. There is something intrinsically human about them.

A Trees’ Reflection

Perhaps you can say, it may be that it is the other way around. There is something intrinsically tree like about human beings. Why we see our own reflection in the Earth’s oldest children. For of the oldest living things on this Earth, trees are amongst them. They carry the memories and earths’ blood in their veins.

There is this basic truth that trees bring life to others. From the time they are a seed, to their stems and flowers, there is no waste. From the beginning to the end of their life, they are givers to the world.

Nyoman ‘Butur’ Suantara
Tari Topeng Wayang Wong at Pura Taman Pule. In the moments before the ceremony.., quiet, sombre and unmasked. The next chapter of the Living Maks of Bali: Sacred Wayang Wong of Pura Taman Pule. The portraits taken by ManButur are part of a series in an article 'Dancing Memories of Wayang Wong' by Sawidji Gallery.
Landscape photography is very satisfying when you explore this genre. Especially if you are lucky enough to live in a place that has amazing destinations all within a short distance and rich in diversity as we have. This image was taken in Yeh Malet in Karangasem regency Bali. Pantai Yeh Malet is actually best known for its Wates Beach, for its sandy black sand that reflects light. Often through popularity, one aspect of a region gets exposure and we often don't see the many layers of beauty that are present every day. Like in this image. Not the sunny popular black sand beach, but in the evening, life of the village still goes on.