Made Muliana

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S200 made.bayak.jpg
Full Name
Made Muliana
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In English

Made Muliana alias Bayak is a contemporary Indonesian artist from Bali. He was born in Gianyar, June 27, 1980. He studied fine arts at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar from 1999 to 2005. Apart from painting on canvas, he also creates murals, performs performing arts, plays music, and is active in environmental conservation movements. As a form of concern for the environment, he processes a lot of plastic waste into works of art.

Bayak has held many art exhibitions, both at home and abroad. His solo exhibitions include Art For Artists Sake (Sika Gallery Ubud, 2008), Artists Don't Lies (Griya Santrian Gallery Sanur, 2012), Plasticology Reissue (Arys Warung Ubud, 2013).

The fine arts awards he has won include: Top 20 Finalist of Nokia Art Award 2000, Top 20 Finalist of Nokia Art Award 2001, Finalist of Bazaar Art Award 2010, Top 20 Sovereign Art Price 2013 at Espace Louis Vuitton Singapore.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Made Muliana alias Bayak adalah perupa kontemporer Indonesia yang berasal dari Bali. Dia lahir di Gianyar, 27 Juni 1980. Dia menempuh pendidikan seni rupa di Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar pada 1999 hingga 2005. Selain melukis di kanvas, dia juga membuat mural, menggelar seni pertunjukan, bermain musik, dan aktif dalam gerakan penyelamatan lingkungan. Sebagai salah satu bentuk kepeduliannya pada lingkungan, dia banyak mengolah sampah plastik menjadi karya seni rupa.

Bayak telah banyak menggelar pameran seni rupa, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Pameran tunggalnya, antara lain Art For Artists Sake (Sika Gallery Ubud, 2008), Artists Don’t Lies (Griya Santrian Gallery Sanur, 2012), Plasticology Reissue (Arys Warung Ubud, 2013).

Penghargaan seni rupa yang pernah diraihnya, antara lain: Top 20 Finalist of Nokia Art Award 2000, Top 20 Finalist of Nokia Art Award 2001, Finalis Bazaar Art Award 2010, Top 20 Sovereign Art Price 2013 at Espace Louis Vuitton Singapore.

Examples of work

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