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From BASAbaliWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
In Indonesia, pollution from plastics is reaching crisis levels, with the fabled beaches of Bali now strewn with discarded plastics, while on Java the army is called out to unclog rivers from “icebergs” of plastic. How did Indonesia get into this predicament, and who will clean up the mess? Indonesian rock star and environmental activist Gede Robi, and development expert Ewa Wojkowska, shed light on Indonesia’s plastic scourge and discuss possible solutions with presenter Ali Moore. An Asia Institute podcast. https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute/ear-to-asia/episodes/episode-72  +
From an early age, it should be taught on how to respect religious differences and that it can be useful until adulthood  +
I hope will be well in the future, there won't be an eartquake and no casualties, we also have to take care of bali  +
These ecobricks were made for ourselves which later will be very useful, especially if we are traveling if there is no trash can we can put the trash in a bottle. Apart from that, we can also reprocess these ecobricks into seats, decorations or works of processed plastic which can later be useful for many people, besides that, we can also use this as a lesson not to litter. If this was done by everyone it would be something very extraordinary. Everyone can maintain the beauty and cleanliness of this earth. The benefits obtained are taken in the manufacture of ecobricks are very, very rich in benefits. Especially if this is applied to each person. Let's love your environment, if not us who else?  +
The COVID-19 pandemic has constituted concurrent public health and economic crises. An inter-correlation between economic and public health impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be studied to improve mitigation measures. This study identified a correlation of the economic insecurity and perceived stress with adherence to recommended preventive behaviours. This across-sectional analytic study was conducted to adults in the working areas of East Denpasar Primary Healthcare Center I. Respondents were selected using consecutive sampling and given a self-administered questionnaire. The research variables included demographic characteristics, economic insecurity indicators, perceived stress, and adherence to handwashing, mask-wearing, physical distancing, and limitation on the social gathering. Correlations, linear regressions, and path analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS 23.0. As many as 161 respondents of which 34.2% males were involved had a mean age of 36.31 (± 7.16) years. Sex, job insecurity, income insecurity, and perceived stress were found as independent determinants in females. Female sex and job insecurity was associated with better preventive behaviours with an adjusted β value of 0.276 and 0.306, while income insecurity and perceived stress had the opposite association with a β value of -0.247 and -0.224. There are correlations between economic insecurity and preventive behavioural practices during COVID-19. It is suggested that public health policies against COVID-19 cover measures of economic safety nets to improve adherence  +
Rabbit has an important job. He must post a warning to anyone who wants to ring the big bell. But Tiger comes along, and he wants to ring the bell anyway! Uh oh...  +
A leader is a person who holds the duty and responsibility to lead and can influence the people he leads. A good leader is a leader who is able to lead his followers to achieve a certain goal. A good leader must be willing to listen to input and complaints from his staff. The leader does not have to agree with the opinions of the staff, but must respect every opinion. Everyone certainly aspires to be a leader, myself included really want to be a good and responsible leader. And if later I become a leader in my area, I will help people in need and be fair to all of them. Now one of them is in the field of education, I will improve the quality of education in my area, because I live in Gowa district, South Sulawesi, I will name it as Gowa Education District, meaning that elementary to high school level education will be applied free of charge or not paid, the way is like this will help children who really want to go to school but are constrained by money, so there is no reason for children in Gowa district not to go to school. And I will also complete the standard facilities in every school in my area. That's probably what I will do when I later become a leader in my area, become a useful person for the people around me.  +
Education during the covid-19 pandemic  +
Education in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic  +
I will create jobs so that none of my citizens are unemployed. I will provide free health services for people who can't afford it. I will require free schools for children especially street children and provide decent jobs for street beggars. I will apply order and discipline in the form of fines and criminal law for traffic order, as well as for those who do not maintain cleanliness and nature conservation. I will create prosperous, peaceful, and religious citizens' lives such as holding religious events for their respective religions as often as possible because religious and prosperous citizens will create a dignified, safe, and peaceful city.  +
Educational Videos during the covid 19 pandemic  +
In Indonesia there are several recognized religions namely Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Every religion has a different custom and culture. That requires us to maintain religious harmony. Religious harmony means that we as human beings must respect each other among religious people, respect inter-religious customs, care for fellow religious people, help each other among religious people and not insult other religions. We must not insult the customs and culture of other religions. We as humans must respect each other among religious believers just as we Hindus do not protest if a road is closed for Muslim Friday prayers and if there are road closures on Sundays when Christians do Sunday service. Similarly, other religions should respect Hindus as well. One example is Nyepi day. Members of other religions participate in observing Nyepi day, too. Another example is if a Muslim friend is fasting at school, we should not eat in front of them on purpose. We Hindus can give odalan (temple ceremony) food to people of other religions. There are so many things that can be done to create religious harmony in this world. Most importantly, we must be sincere if we are going to carry out religious harmony so that there is no jealousy among religious believers. Let’s maintain religious harmony so that we always find happiness, like the Indonesian motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika that means “Unity in Diversity”.  +
Various efforts have been made by the local government and environmental activists to deal with waste in Bali. The Denpasar City Government made Denpasar City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2015 concerning Waste Management. The Regional Regulation is expected to reduce the habit of local people and tourists to dispose of garbage in its place and the ultimate goal of the Regional Regulation is that the quality of water and the surrounding environment can be improved. Later this year, Bali Governor Wayan Koster issued  +
Various efforts have been made by the local government and environmental activists to deal with waste in Bali. The Denpasar City Government made Denpasar City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2015 concerning Managers  +
As is known, the upcoming elections are very meaningful and useful, among other things: as a means of constitutional leadership change and a forum for public participation in the political process. Therefore, I do not agree that there are people who do not use their right to vote or GOLPUT in the 2024 election. Moreover, there are already 22.77 million people with disabilities in Indonesia or 8.5%. In my opinion, those who cannot walk to vote are instead provided with wheelchairs. And people with special needs must be given more attention by the government, so that the LUBER JURDIL principle can work. We must not discriminate between people in order to achieve prosperity, thank you.  +
The election committee should provide facilities for people with disabilities, for the voting room there is a direct access for wheelchairs, the miwah margi should be flat sané nénten akéh wénten undagan. Polling officer taler madué main role ring sajeroning ngicénin wantuan majeng ring krama sané nénten madué kabisan ring sajeroning ngawerdiang Sapunapi carané ngunggahang voting equipment.  +
Dewi Anjani meditated at Nirmala Lake. Only the head is visible. At that time, Bhatara Bayu was flying in the sky. Seeing Dewi Anjani meditating at Nirmala Lake. Bhatara Bayu fell in love and did not realize his semen fell on the taro leaves. Then the taro leaves are blown by the wind and then fall into the lake. Dewi Anjani ate the taro leaves. As long as he meditated, he only ate the leaves that drifted in front of him. Over time, Dewi Anjani became pregnant. She was confused about why she was pregnant, a sign of her husband. He then asked Ida Sang Hyang Widhi (God) for guidance. Bhatara Bayu came down and then recognized the fetus in Dewi Anjani's stomach. Bhatara Bayu said that the fetus would be born in the form of a white monkey. After the baby was born, Dewi Anjani was allowed to return to heaven with her child. Before meditating, Dewi Anjani was an angel named Punjikastala. But the Angel was cursed to become a monkey. She may return to heaven if she has given birth to a child who is a descendant of a bhatara (god). It is said that Dewi Anjani now feels sick to her stomach. Then an angel in heaven came down to help her give birth to her child. A baby in the form of a white monkey was born. After giving birth to a child, Dewi Anjani returned to her beautiful form as an angel. When the baby is born, it is said that the baby can already tell that he is hungry. He asked his mother where to find food. Dewi Anjani showed the place to the east. Red fruits can be eaten. Then the Anoman flew to the east. At that time the sun had just risen. He thought the sun was a fruit as his mother said. The Anoman flew quickly and then swallowed the sun. Lord Indra was very angry to see the sun eat the white monkey. Then he shot Sang Anoman until he fell on the mountain. Bhatara Bayu felt very angry when he learned that his son was hurt by Bhatara Indra. That's what caused Bhatara Bayu to sulk and cause life to be powerless. The earth and everything in it suddenly became limp, and withered from drought. Bhatara Indra begged for forgiveness from Bhatara Bayu. Bhatara Bayu forgave Bhatara Indra. Earth and everything in it is back to normal. Then Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu gave a gift to Sang Anoman which caused the white monkey to be immune to weapons.  
Portrait of Artistic Director and Visual Artist Dibal Ranuh.  +
Om Swastyastu, My name is Wayan Wiki. Even though it's far away, I was very sad when I heard the news about the conflict in Ukraine. Actually I do not really understand what is the problem in that country. That's why I look for information on the internet, so as not to comment carelessly in cyberspace. In this day and age, almost everyone is already using social media. Never use it carelessly, so as not to cause trouble, so you can go to prison. Returning to the topic of war, apart from causing many casualties and damaging public facilities, many refugee victims are looking for a safe place, meeting their food needs, and trying to continue their lives.  +
If I become a leader, I want to build a building that will be used as a job for the underprivileged.  +