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Wayang Wong in Tejakula Village, Buleleng has received UNESCO recognition as an intangible cultural heritage. Wayang Wong is an ancient mask art dating back to the Middle Ages. In Tejakula itself, the Wayang Wong standard uses Ramayana characters. There is also another kind of wayang wong called Wayang Parwa. Wayang Wong art in Tejakula Village is a sacred art which is only performed at certain times. These Wayang Wong masks are masks over three centuries old, totaling 175 masks. All the masks are kept at Pamaksan Temple, Tejakula. Whenever there is a temple ceremony at Kahyangan Tiga Temples, Pamaksan Temple, Ratu Gede Sambangan Temple and Pura Dangka Temple (several ancient temples in Tejakula), this Wayang Wong Mask dance will be performed. Wayang Wong dancers are chosen from generation to generation based on lineage. You can also watch this Wayang Wong performance outside of holy days. However, the masks used in this performance are duplicate masks, not the original, purified masks. This Wayang Wong performance is usually held on Galungan Day or on the day of the local temple ceremony. At that time, the nomads usually returned to their hometowns so that the performance of this sacred Wayang Wong will be watched by many people. Because this performance is a combination of medieval Parwa and Gambuh arts, the languages used are Kawi and Sanskrit.  +
Dewa Alit's latest album is called "when i OPEN MY DOOR". This album includes three of Dewa Alit's non-gamelan compositions including "Open My Door" played by Ensemble Modern. "Ngejuk Memedi" by Gamelan Salukat is also in this album. https://www.dewaalitsalukat.com/  +
Wiranjaya dance was created by I Putu Sumiasa, an artist from West Bali in 1957. Wiranjaya dance is an androgynous/bebancihan dance created as a competitor to Truna Jaya dance. Before 1965 this dance was called Kebyar Buleleng Dauh Njung, the beginning of this dance was created because the artist Pan Wandres had already created Kebyar Buleleng Dangin Njung, namely Terunajaya. These two works are a form of competition by two great Buleleng artists. But after 1965, this dance was developed again by Putu Sumiasa and renamed Wiranjaya. The Wiranjaya dance tells the story of two sons of Pandu, Nakula and Sahadewa from the epic Mahabharata who are learning archery at the Pasraman led by Bhagawan Tamba Petra. The development of Wiranjaya dance is very rapid because this dance is very energetic with beautiful dynamic movements that make dancers or art lovers really appreciate Wiranjaya dance.  +
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Átmanà Shanti is a dance music composition, composed by I Wayan Arya Bisma from Pujung Kelod, Sebatu, Gianyar who is currently studying at the Indonesian Art Institute in Denpasar. "Átmanà" means by mind and "Shanti" means peace. In the context of welcoming dance music, "Átmanà Shanti" is defined as "greeted by a peaceful mind". The main idea of this work is the nature of the human mind that are changes over time. This idea then transformed into the processing of changing song patets (gending kecag kecog), as well as the song duration for each part that was uncertain. This musical composition uses the Tri Angga structure, namely: Kawitan, Pengawak and Pengecet, but in each section it is divided into several more sub-sections. In each section there is a gending penyalit or transition, which is a road or bridge to achieve the goal. Music Composition Structure : 1. Kawitan (beginning) a. The composition started with pengalian section which is begins with the riyong instrument playing and continues with all the instruments. By playing several types of patets, such as: Pengeter Agung, Sunaren and Selendro Agung. b. In the pepeson section there are two parts, namely: part A and part B, and the composition is A-A-penyalit-B-B. In part A uses the patet Selendro Agung , and in this section there are terompong instruments patterns such as ngembat and nyilih asih, but it played on the riyong instrument. After that continue to the shorter penyalit section, using the patet Sunaren, Tembung and Pengeter Agung. 2. Penyalit section is the connecting part between the kawitan and the pengawak section. In this penyalit section using the kebyar pattern with patet Pengeter Agung and at the end there is a modulation to the patet Selendro Alit. 3. Pengawak section is a simplification of the Legod Bawa form taken from gending pelegongan. In this section highlighted the flute instrument and also uses patet Selendro Alit and at the end there is a modulation to the Sunaren patet. 4. Penyalit, in this penyalit part it is the bridge between the pengawak part and the pengecet. This section uses the form of pengetog compositions, which are developed with an arbitrary count. This section uses patet Sunaren and patet Pengeter Agung. 5. Pengecet section is divided into 3 parts, namely: part A, B and pekaad section. Composed with the pattern A-penyalit-B-penyalit-A-peyalit-B-penyalit-pekaad (ending). Part A adopts the nyong-nyong instrument pattern from the Barungan Gamelan Selonding, with a simple melody and uses patet Pengeter Agung, then continues with the penyalit to get to part B which still uses patet Pengeter Agung. This part highlighted the dynamics of the gangsa and kantilan instruments. The riyong, penyacah and calung instruments adorn it with the same gending pattern. Part B uses patet Sunaren, then followed by penyalit that are using patet Sunaren and Tembung. And the ending or pekaad part uses the kebyar pattern with Patet Pengeter Agung and Selendro Alit. And then in the very last part of the composition, there is a Leluangan drums pattern. The musical composition of this welcoming dance is played in the Gamelan Semarandana. Gamelan Semarandana is a combination of Gamelan Gong Kebyar and Gamelan Semar Pagulingan, which was created by I Wayan Beratha in 1987. The use of Semarandana gamelan is because it has a wider range of tones and octaves, making it possible to be more creative and flexible in composing the song. The creation of this dance music composition "Átmanà Shanti" was supported by Sanggar Seni Çudamani and the Sekaa Suling Semeton Nika Manu.