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Melasti is a purification or cleansing of the instruments that will be held at the temple. Melasti is usually carried out on the beach but in several places in Bali it can also be done in rivers or lakes. The people who will carry out the ceremony at their temple will voluntarily take part on foot to the place of confirmation.  +
2022. Exhibition in Amandari resort.  +
2022. Exhibition in Amandiri resort  +
2022. Exhibition in Amandari resort.  +
Uled (Hairy Caterpillars) “Recently thousands of hairy caterpillars have “attacked” villages. What does it mean?” comes a question. It means that the they “never go to a barber or beauty salon”. If they do, their “hairy” styles would be different; curly, bald, short hair, and re-bonding as well,” replies I Putu Tawah Matah (Just Talk Without Thinking). Everyone laughs. They realize that that kind of comment always comes when a question is asked to crazy people like I Putu. “It’s a sign for us. Perhaps we should carry out bigger rituals, or we might have done something wrong that make the gods angry,” comments I Made Tirtayatra Miratdana (Pilgrimage Funded By ‘Dirty’ Money). Everyone seems to know everything about the gods’ minds: when there is a volcanic eruption, or a tsunami, or a caterpillar plague, they say the gods are angry. They think that the gods have no other job other than creating disasters. “The way you think is similar to the Legislative Assembly members who say the caterpillar epidemic is a “warning” from God. If God likes creating disasters, the first target should have been them as they never listen to the people. They keep wanting to build a new huge hotel-like office for themselves when most of Indonesian are still living in poverty,” says I Wayan Bungut Lengut (Sweet Talk). “If the gods created natural disasters — volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, rabies or caterpillar epidemics — every time they got angry, what would they do when they were happy? Distribute gold, money, rice or Supermi noodles?” “As to date we have never seen things like that, it means that we still have to work hard to survive, or you have to buy your own supermi if you want. The conclusion is the gods have nothing to do with natural disasters,” concludes I Wayan. Everyone nods. They don’t like people who say the gods are often angry or create natural disasters. “Our gods (bhetara) are easy, they do not like swearing at their followers: when a river delta in Kuta was claimed and filled in by an investor, or when a temple’s property is rented out for villas, or when temples are changed to tourist attractions, or when ceremonies and rituals become business-oriented ……….. our gods never complain” It seems our gods know well that humans are smart and know what they are doing. “We are born to think: that’s why we have to use our brains, and not always blame our gods every time we have a problem or a disaster. Otherwise, it’s no use the gods giving us brain.” “So hairy caterpillar epidemic has nothing to do with the gods.” “I would think that this epidemic has been caused by extinction of birds and ants (less and less predators that prey on hairy caterpillars). Or the hairy caterpillar might not be aware of “family planning”; and as it has been raining recently, they breed very fast,” says I Wayan. Were the caterpillars be human, they would know KB (Family Planning program), and how expensive education and health insurance is, there were bills to pay, hence they would think twice before breeding; knowing how expensive life is. “Well, no matter how bad the hairy caterpillar epidemic is, don’t they know that caterpillars will turn into beautiful butterflies or produce expensive silk. “No matter how destructive the caterpillars are, they are much better than bad people. Bad people never turn into good ones or produce good things. Instead, they just turn into a bunch of hypocrites who they pretend to know everything about the gods or act in the name of the gods.  
This research aims to analyze online English learning activities in the rural area of Bali through a case study of Timpag Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali. A SWOT analysis was conducted to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that influence the decline in student enthusiasm related to online learning. The results obtained are a declining trend in teaching and learning activities in Timpag Village due to less interactive learning material and the lack of interaction between parents and teachers in monitoring student learning activities at home. The solution given is to improve coordination between parents and teachers and improve the quality of the material that will be provided.  +
The purpose of this study is to obtain data from each OPD of the Province of Bali relating to the implementation of E-Government (SPBE), determine the conditions of implementing E-Government (SPBE) in the Province of Bali and determine strategic steps to increase the level of maturity index of the SPBE of the Province of Bali. The evaluation evaluation method is done through measuring the level of maturity based on the e-Government Maturity Model (eMM). This study revealed that the main weaknesses in the implementation of SPBE in Bali Province, especially in some OPDs that provide public services, were the lack of integration of applications or systems and the still weak human resources and IT infrastructure in each OPD. The steps that need to be taken are to formulate the SPBE Development Master Plan which has completeness on the side of the SPBE vision and mission load, SPBE architecture, SPBE road map as well as the integration of application systems and the use of general applications as a whole.  +
The song widya usadha contains a pupuh demung, containing a long crew member and a long crew member, a long crew member and a long pengawit. This song is inspired by the state of our environment during the corona virus pandemic. Kidung widya usadha tells of human anxiety in the midst of a pandemic who begs the creator for constant guidance so that the temptations of this pandemic do not make people lose their minds, can still be optimistic and always work. Where knowledge must be strengthened because knowledge will develop over time, one of which is during a pandemic.  +
‘The Book of Infinite Knowledge’ 2020, exhibited in ‘Raga Rhythm’ by Wildskids late in 2020 at Titik Dua in Mas, pays homage to Saraswati the Balinese Goddess of Knowledge, Music, Art and Learning. “The process of creating such layered works involves a dedicated focus. Working with cardboard cutting individual pieces attached to board he constructs 3-dimensional works of up to 10 layers. A single work of one-meter square may require up to one week.” Swoofone’s compositions give the impression of dimensional reliefs. One of the Balinese Classical paintings’ less-identified influences is the narrative reliefs of the 9th- century Central Javanese Buddhists temple, the Borobudur.  +
The exhibition title ‘Paon‘ comes from the Balinese word for ‘kitchen’. Its meaning is likened more towards the word tearth’; simply and literally, a hearth is a fireplace that keeps the whole house warm. Figuratively it is a source of comfort for the inhabitants of the house. For Sadu, the ‘paon‘ is not merely a kitchen but also a place for gathering in a traditional Balinese home. It is where fire and water meets, and a place which keeps the family fed and happy. Each painting is a vivid snapshot of Sadu’s childhood home in Sayan, a village west of Ubud. Currently he lives in his own house not far from it with his wife, who is Japanese, and their 2 children. In Sadu’s family home, his elderly parents have a traditional paon or kitchen which is designed to be used for communal and wood-fire cooking. Sadu reminisce that it is the kitchen they have inherited from his grandmother, and although it’s been renovated, the firewood stove and traditional kitchen tools, like in the paining ‘Topo‘ which is a traditional woven water filter, is still being used. Listening to Sadu talk about each painting and its subject matter, they represent his pride towards Balinese ingenuity. He commemorates these traditional innovations and honor them through his paintings. In ‘Lenggatan Gantung‘, it is a simple admiration to the traditional hanging kitchen rack that is made with bamboo and wood. These racks hang the beams of a traditional wood-frame standalone pavilion in a typical Balinese compound home, and they are tied either with a natural fiber and hung without the use of modern nails.  +
Sexual education is an important think that parents can do to prevent free sex and it effects in adolescent. It is possible because family is the first place of education, but it appears to be inadequately practiced in Indonesia. This study aims to determine parent experience to provide sexual education in adolescents. We used a phenomenology interpretative approach in this study. We collected the data through in-depth interviews with ten parents. We found five themes: (1) good perception about sexual education, (2) sexual education delivered assisted by social media, (3) the topic is free sex, (4) difficult to start because of taboo and shame, (5) need support from health worker. The study reveals that sexual education is limited and need to be increased. It is essential that Indonesian parents become better informed and skilled, so that they may be involved in the sexual education of adolescent start from their family.  +
I must admit it. Being human in the material world, like it or not, we must make ourselves as attractive as possible. Either by improving yourself or….even self-exploitation? Like sweets, even without tasting it, we know for sure it tastes sweet. Right? But with an attractive appearance, it will be faster to take the viewer’s heart, which ultimately determines their future (the sweets). But unfortunately, they only have two fates. They are sold out or wasted, becoming rotten. This is my first work inspired by life; instead of talking about my illness, using the object of my body and face as a representation. The reason? I am also human and have experienced this for myself. Young women need to make themselves attractive; otherwise, you will be left out.  +
Research on Geguritan Cokli uses a sociological analysis. The approach used is a calibative approach. Data collection uses the method of reading, translating and listening to Cokli’s Geguritan Text. The method of analysis, carried out in a descriptive-qualitative way by using the working stages of the theory of sociology of literature and combined with the theory of structure. The results of the analysis are presented in a systematic and structured manner. The results of this study provide an answer that the existence of a literary work can be a reflection of the state of society at that time, although there are some things that are sometimes no longer relevant to use.  +
Land Consolidation (LC), is the government's solution in land acquisition for development. In addition, LC aims to improve the quality of the environment by rearranging plots of land to be more organized and equipped with environmental infrastructure, as well as land tenure in accordance with land use plans. The location of the land consolidation area in Seminyak Village which is close to the center of government, economy and tourism has implications for land use in the area. The phenomenon of land use that occurs in this region tends to ignore the spatial planning that has been determined by the government. If this condition is left unchecked, there will be more violations of land use that are not in accordance with the spatial allocation, leading to spatial conflicts and clutter in regional spatial planning. This study aims to identify changes in land use in the area of land consolidation in the Seminyak Village and the dominant factors underlying the changes in land use. Qualitative methods are used to identify changes in land use, and these dominant factors. Primary data obtained from observations, direct documentation, and the results of interviews with informants determined by purposive sampling. The results showed that there was a mismatch of land use with the plan for spatial planning in the area designated for settlement and green open space. The dominant factors underlying the changes in land use are law enforcement, then environmental factors, economicfactors, and socio-cultural factors. The results of this study can be input for the government in formulating policies relating to planning and controlling the use of space in order to create safe, comfortable and sustainable use of space.  +
Geguritan Sucita-Subudi is one of his works that is known to many people, why is that? Because this geguritan contains Balinese cultural concepts such as Dharma, Tri Hita Karana, Kala Patra Village, Rwa Bhineda, and Karmaphala. Dharma is one of the important concepts in Hinduism. Dharma is often equated with truth, virtue or duty and law. Dharma is likened to a smooth and very cool path that can protect and help people who follow that path from disaster. One who practices the Dharma is called "Dharmika". People who practice dharma only want one thing that is eternal and eternal happiness not the false happiness caused by worldly things. Tri Hita Karana is the concept of harmonious relationship that can bring happiness. The harmony of the relationship includes three things, namely the harmony of human relations with God, the harmony of human relations with fellow humans and the harmony of human relations with the surrounding natural environment. In the Geguritan Sucita-Subudi, the concept of harmony between humans and God is called an unreal or spiritual relationship, while the concept of harmony between humans and humans and the relationship between humans and the natural environment. Rwa Bhineda is a dualistic concept that reflects two opposite categories in life, such as good and bad or positive and negative. In the Geguritan Sucita-Subudhi, this concept is explained implicitly or indirectly in the expression in something called "Byakta" or something that exists always contains two things that unite. This concept implies that in this world nothing is perfect except God. Everything has advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Karmaphala is one of the five belief systems in Hinduism called Panca Sradha. Karmaphala comes from the words karma 'action' and phala 'fruit' which is defined as the result of one's actions. The essence of the notion of karmaphala is that a cause will produce an effect. Geguritan Sucita-Subudi consists of 1841 stanzas. Of the many stanzas that are formed by 11 kinds of pupuh. The eleven kinds of pupuh are Sinom, Pangkur, Durma, Ginanda, Ginanti, Kumambang, Warga-sari, Pucung, Semarandhana, and Sadpada Ngisep Sekar. Among these pupuh the most frequently used is the Sinom pupuh, which is 15 times. The use of these pupuhs in the Geguritan Sucita-Subudi is selected and adjusted between the duties or character of each pupuh.  
Now enjoying a cup of coffee can be more meaningful. You can brew your own version of coffee with the manual brew V60 technique. This package provides a set of V60 coffee brewing tools + tutorial, and selected coffee beans (you can also bring your own) and of course you can bring it to mesmerizing places on our recommendation list. A cup of homemade coffee in the twilight by the nature, accompanied by the closest person. Ah, what a joy isnt it?  +
Episode 1: between the mountain and the sea. This is the first part of Bali Triptych, a film by John Darling (1988). This film explores the geological and cultural influences which have contributed to the evolution of Balinese cosmology, that is dominated by ancestor worship. The film also narrates the turbulent history of the Balinese people.  +
Topeng Tuli is part of Topeng Bondres. It was performed in the past as entertainment during ceremonies and community events. This mask was made by Kadek Sudiasa for 'World Without Sound, an Anthology' Exhibition at Sawidji Gallery. "Those who can not hear, do not think lightly or less of them.. because they have something extra, something special that other people may not have. God's creation is full of balance and fairness. If they do not have enough in their power of hearing.. they have something else that is extra that we may not see." ~ Kadek Sudiasa  +
Explores what lies within the character of ‘Topeng Keras’. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. One of Bali’s oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals. A chapter in our series The Living Masks of Bali. Topeng Keras is one of 5 characters that appear in the Topeng Babad Ceremonial Dance (refer to ‘Topeng Babad Today‘). Amongst these are Topeng Ratu (the Kings’ Mask) Topeng Tua (Old Mask) Topeng Sidakarya (Sidakarya Mask) Topeng Bondres (Common Peoples’ Mask). Kadek explains that according to the rules of mask making in Bali, the first mask is Topeng Keras. Topeng Keras is a ‘Patih’ (Minister of the King) The word Patih or Pepatih is a regent title that was traditionally used among Austronesian polities of insular Southeast Asia. In the first place, it denoted the chief minister of a kingdom or a traditional regency. The word originates from the Sanskrit word Patih meaning maintainer, master or guide.  +