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Taru poh wani

taru poh wani

  • White mango; jack (Mangefira caesia) is a native to Southeast Asia. This tree has a large size, dense, and has a height of up to 30-45 meters. White mango fruit is oval with sour and sweet taste. en
  • Pohon mangga wani atau binjai adalah tanaman asli Asia Tenggara. Pohon ini memiliki ukuran yang besar, rimbun, dan memiliki tinggi hingga 30-45 meter. Buah mangga wani berbentuk lonjong dengan rasa asam dan manis. id
Taru poh wani
taru poh wani
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Taru poh wani
[example 1]
White mango; jack (Mangefira caesia)

Tiang poh wani, daging tiange panes, engket barak taler panes. Babakan titiang dumulada, akah titiang panes, dados anggen tamba ngetug. Ambil maka sami, makanti ring werirangbang, kacampur musi, sembar uluning weteng.
[example 2]
I am a white mango tree with hot substances and red sap. I have a medium stem bark, my roots are hot and can be used for cure heart disease. Take all the parts of my plant, mixed with red sulfur, anise, and then sprayed in the pit of the liver.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Deniek Sukarya "3500 plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia
  2. Lontar Usada Taru Pramana: Suatu Analisis Filologis dari Drs. I Wayan Sukersa, M.Hum