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Taru bila

taru bila

  • The name 'Maja' associated with Majapahit Kingdom in Indonesia and this tree is sacred to the Hindu religion in Bali. en
  • Cresentia cujete or known as Calabash tree belongs to the citrus plants is a tolerant plant to the harsh environment yet, its leaves easily decayed.This plan natives from tropical and sub-tropical Asia. en
Taru bila
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Taru Bila.jpg
Wenten taru bila ring pekarangan tiange.
[example 1]
There is a maja tree at my house yard.

Taru bila2.jpg
Tiang madan kayu bila. Daging tiangé panes. Don lan getah onyangan panes. Akah dumalada, babakan tiange panes. Dadi anggon ubad beteg, campurin bawang putih maimbuh jangu, yéh cuka, dadiang boréh. Ubadin semengan ajak sanja.
[example 2]
I am Calabash Tree (Cresentia cujete). The content of the substances is hot, my leaves and sap is hot, my root is medium, my bark is hot and can be used as medicine for beriberi, mix with garlic, acorus calamus (‘jangu’), vinegar water. Apply topically during the day and afternoon.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

No examples collected yet.

  1. Deniek Sukarya "3500 plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia
  2. Lontar Taru Pramana Usada III d 1854/12; disimpan dlm Gedong Kirtya, Singaraja, berdasarkan penelitian ilmiah Taru Pramana: Suatu Analisis Filologis dari Drs. I Wayan Sukersa, M.Hum, 1996