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  • wash one's face (Verb) en
  • cuci muka (Verb) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Buka bedake suginin.
[example 1]
[proverb] Like someone who is thirsty washing his face. A person who is thirsty may lick his lips if he cannot drink water. Also, if someone licks his lips, he may smell good food. This latter is the sense in which this expression is used – licking lips when smelling good food.

[[Word example text en::[proverb] Like someone who is thirsty washing his face. A person who is thirsty may lick his lips if he cannot drink water. Also, if someone licks his lips, he may smell good food. This latter is the sense in which this expression is used – licking lips when smelling good food.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Ayu Laksmi taler ngaraketang sekaa sastrawan sane mawit saking Bali sekadi Cok Sawitri, Sugi Lanus, miwah sane siosan.

In English:   Currently, Ayu Laksmi is active again in various local, national and international music events/festivals.

In Indonesian:   Ayu Laksmi juga merangkul komunitas Sastrawan asal Bali seperti Cok Sawitri, Sugi Lanus, dll.
  1. F. Eiseman, Proverbs. 1987