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Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Niki mawasta obat ngangen Silik. Keambil babakan Silik abedik, lan bebungkalan lengkap, miwah cuka. Ketelung bahan puniki kecampur lan ulig apang dados obat. Ulig bebungkalane lan babakan Silik, campur antuk yeh cuka. Ramuan puniki sampun dados keanggen obat.
Here is a Soursop herb. Take some pieces from the tree trunk of Soursop, then complete spices, and vinegar water. These three ingredients are then mixed and mashed to make a herb of Soursop. Blend some complete herbs with Soursop trunks, and mix with vinegar water. Here are the herb ready to use.

Titiang mawaste silikaya. Daging panes, don dumalada, miwah akah dumaiada. Babakan panes, tiang dados anggen tamba ngoon. Ambil babakan titiange anggen wedak, campurin sindrong wayah, lan cuka.
[example 1]
I am the Soursop tree (Annona muricata). My substance is hot. My leaves and roots are neutral while my bark is hot. I can be used to treat people who are immobile such as those with memory loss. Make my bark into a salve by mixing it with a full range of herbs and vinegar.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Lontar Taru Pramana Usada III d 1854/12; disimpan dlm Gedong Kirtya, Singaraja, berdasarkan penelitian ilmiah Taru Pramana: Suatu Analisis Filologis dari Drs. I Wayan Sukersa, M.Hum