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  • sloping beam between pillar of a bale and the horizontal beam that supports the roof. en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Buin pidan apanga tusing makamben di senduk.
[example 1]

A ‘senduk’ is the sloping beam between pillar of a bale and the horizontal beam that supports the roof. People used to stuff or cram their clothes there carelessly. The word ‘selsel’ means ‘to be crammed into any space’. So the sentence appears to be ‘cram your clothes in any old place”, ‘selsel’. But, the word ‘nyesel’, form ‘sesel’, is close to ‘selsel’, and means ‘regret’. Thus, the idea is that you should get a steady job (see “nganten” BB; record 112 FE) first, so that later you won’t regret (nyesel) it – which you would if you got married first.

Komang Arini: (disagrees with F. Eiseman; her explanation is:) Put on your clothes (=makamben) in the corner (sudut) of the room where you have no space to do it. In this way you will not be able to dress properly. (meselsel)

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. F. Eiseman, Proverbs. 1987