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" JUST CONNECTION OCCURRING IN BALI " OM SWASTIASTU I respect the Government of Bali and I love happy friends. Let us give thanks to the presence of Almighty God who has given Asung Kertawara to all of us so that we can gather in this place. Before I deliver this speech, I first want to thank you for the time and opportunity given to me to deliver my speech of hope. to the Bali government entitled "JUST CONNECTION OCCURRING IN BALI". Traffic jams arise because the volume of motorized vehicles is not proportional to the volume of the road. The number of motorized vehicles and cars increases every day. As a result, cars, public transportation and motorbikes pile up on the streets, traffic jams occur. Congestion can also slow down the performance of people who are stuck in traffic jams. Workers will be late arriving at work and students will arrive late at school. This especially happens to people who choose to use private transportation rather than public transportation. Traffic jams occur because too many people use motorized vehicles or cars and also because many road users do not comply with traffic regulations. On this occasion I would like to invite you to overcome traffic jams in Bali. If we cannot overcome them, at least we can reduce traffic jams in Bali. There are 2 main things we can do to reduce congestion. First, use public transportation, don't use private vehicles, using public transportation can reduce the volume of vehicles on the road. In the end, traffic jams will be reduced. Second, get used to walking if the distance is not too far. This method is simple but difficult to do. Even though walking is healthy, and by walking we are contributing to reducing traffic jams in Bali. I am sure that by taking these 2 actions traffic jams in Bali can be reduced. However, the Bali Government is expected to improve the comfort and safety of public transportation. I am sure that if public transportation is safe and comfortable, there will be more passengers. Finally, the number of private transportation users will decrease by itself. This is all I can say, hopefully it is useful for all of us. Sorry if there are wrong words and actions. For your attention I would like to thank. OM, SHANTIH, SHANTIH, SHANTIH, OM  
Talking about the destruction of today's world which was destroyed by a leader wearing a nice mask but behind that there is an embodiment of a scary and arrogant giant, the leader's greed is raised in the ogoh-ogoh from ST. Tunas Muda Sidakarya, the earth in his stomach taken from begawang nala as if this earth were his own , falling humans wrapped around sharp iron depicting miserable, disappointed and sad. From this Ogoh Ogoh embodiment, it gives a reminder to the government as the leader of the people, that it should pay attention to the decisions made so that they are not selfish and do not make their people miserable. I hope the leaders remember that if the decisions made are good, the people will definitely implement them and this will make the world good again. Thank You  +
Friends if you see a skinny dog feeling disgusted? in Bali it is said that there is ajian cambra berag, it is a tall ajian pangelakan, can turn himself into a thin dog his body is all rotten wounds on his neck. These ogoh-ogoh remind us not to take care of other people's lives, torturing animals, especially Balinese dogs. The government should care about guarding and being strict about people who kill, poison dogs, have hungry stomachs, get sick, and torture. In the midst of a lack of understanding, and laws regarding improper behavior towards animals. So that the dog does not become extinct and awakens the harmonious relationship of humans with nature, such as the concept of Tri Hita Karana.  +
In Denpasar City, which is the capital, government and economic center of Bali Province, I see that flooding is the main problem in this city. It is not surprising that one hundred tons of waste is collected in Denpasar City every day. This is very dangerous if you don't pay attention, because it can make the damaged area worse. As a result, many other problems arise in the city of Denpasar because of this disease. This problem cannot be left to the government alone, but the active role of society is needed. There are many ways that can be done to overcome the problem of blindness, one of which is by increasing public awareness of the importance of the problem of blindness. As a student, even in high school I was still taught by teachers to always care about the environment through the P5 program implemented at school. Through this program I think that this stupid problem can be solved by cultivating Magot. "Maggot Power Culture to Overcome the Lice Problem in Denpasar City" The City Government has helped overcome this flea problem with advanced technology, every citizen can help the government in this flea problem by cultivating maggots because maggot cultivation can break down organic waste into fertilizer or in Bali is often called nyanyad. Maggots come from Black Soldier Fly (BSF) flies, cultivation only uses board/wooden cages that have gaps and are covered with cloth, a small space to press maggot eggs and a rack for maggot growth, in the maggot growth process, it is placed in a place exposed to light. sun. Organic waste such as nut shells, fruit remains and grass in the garden can be placed in this place. Magot to break down organic waste or dirt into fertilizer or manure. 1 Kg of Maggot can decompose 4 Kg of organic waste or rubbish every two days. If every city resident had 1 kg of fat, there would be no more organic waste in this city. The remaining plastic waste must be handed over to the government which has sophisticated equipment for recycling. The following are the benefits of maggot cultivation: 1. Reduce the volume of waste in landfill because organic waste is used to feed maggots 2. Maggot fruit can be used as animal feed which contains high protein because maggots consume organic waste such as vegetables and fruit 3. Maggots which can dispose of waste will produce Kasgot (Maggot Residue) which can be used as organic fertilizer Maggot cultivation is very profitable for the environment and maggot caretakers, because apart from being able to grow organic waste, fertilizer and maggot waste can be used or sold at a higher price, it can be said that maggot cultivation is easier and has a higher functional value.  
Om Swastyastu Good morning, best wishes to all of us. First, let us offer praise and thanks to Ida Sabg Hyang Widhi Wasa for giving so many blessings and opportunities for all of us, so that we can gather at this happy event. On this occasion, I will deliver a fairly short oration about tourism responsiveness. Because basically tourism is travel undertaken for recreation and entertainment. We all know that the island of Bali is an island of a thousand islands, which is famous in foreign countries for the beauty of its flora and fauna. But behind all that there is a problem that the government must find a solution for in the future regarding tourists who come to tourist attractions in the area of holy places that are arbitrary. Like many tourists taking photos at the temple by climbing the temple pelinggih, not being responsive to Balinese culture, insulting Balinese culture such as committing adultery in a holy place, being reckless on the road, not wearing a helmet, changing motorbike plates and hiding his identity visa so he can work in Bali . And it's no surprise that the presence of tourists disturbs local communities. This is a serious problem that leaders must address in the future, enforcing the rules for tourism to Bali. Give more consideration to tourists who work in Bali, because as far as I know there are still many local people who are unemployed, perhaps the existence of these wise regulations can help local people get jobs and be more considerate of tourists who open jobs in Bali even though they are not citizens.  +
Om Swastiastu. I will express my opinion about development of the BasaBali Wiki platform among the Balinese community. In my opinion, with the BasaBali Wiki platform, it is very easy for me and the entire community especially the Balinese people to follow all developments on issues that are happening in Bali, especially among the community. In addition, this platform also provides a wikithon competition where I and other people can participate to provide input on various obstacles and activities that must be carried out by the government to achieve prosperity and smoothness for the entire community. I am interested in issues that are currently happening in the community, such as the excessive use of foreign languages so that the mother tongue of the Balinese people is fading, namely the Balinese language. I really agree if the BasaBali Wiki platform is developed more widely, especially introduced and used in every school through educators who teach their students. Maybe some schools already know and use this platform, but in some other schools, I don't think so and this must be followed up immediately because the use of Balinese language and knowledge about Balinese culture is currently starting to fade due to the influx of foreign cultures and the continuous use of foreign languages. In addition, the BasaBali Wiki platform can be a place of achievement for students and the public who want to participate in sharing their works. Another issue is the unemployment rate in Bali. The number of unemployed makes the poverty rate in Bali increasing. People find it difficult to find work because the standards for being an employee are not met. Therefore it needs special attention from the government, where training such as workshops for people who have not worked can be held. The introduction of the BasaBali Wiki can be a major topic because introducing and training them on the content of this platform will make them interested in learning the Balinese language and Balinese culture. For example, learning Balinese consistently will be able to open up job opportunities, namely as a Balinese language tutor. So, it is necessary to hold training sessions to train and motivate them to learn more about the Balinese language and Balinese culture. That's the opinion I can convey. Thank you for nice attention. Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om  
The global epidemic has hit the world, as well as what happened in Indonesia, so the stay at home program was implemented as an effort to suppress the expansion of COVID-19. At the Open University, March is the beginning of the tutorial semester for the 2020 registration period, both online tutorials (tuton) and face-to-face tutorials (TTM). UT Semarang, is entering its first tutorial for students who take the TTM learning mode. To comply with the government's program, the learning mode has been shifted to virtual classes, so that students can still get their right to acquire knowledge but stay safe by staying at home. The TTM class is replaced using the tuweb mode (webinar tutorial). The new mode was obtained by students, thus encouraging this research to be carried out. How are students' readiness with the renewal of learning modes? How is the mastery of technology needed by students in welcoming their learning? The research method used is a quantitative method with a questionnaire. The population was taken from 100 students of UT Semarang, Batang Regency working group from various semesters. The results of the study show that 82% of students support and are more enthusiastic in preparing technology for a new mode of learning using Tuweb. Suggestions and input from students also make evaluations in service more excellent at UT and the world of education in the global situation that is being hit by this epidemic."  +
Future leaders in Bali must immediately address environmental and tourism issues as top priorities. These islands experience negative impacts from uncontrolled tourism growth, such as environmental damage, overcrowding, and economic imbalance. The increase in plastic waste and damage to coral reefs is a serious threat to environmental sustainability. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the tourism industry, which is the backbone of Bali's economy. Aspiring leaders must plan policies that will restore the economy, diversify revenue sources, and strengthen health infrastructure. Addressing employment and education issues is also important to strengthen local community involvement. In facing these challenges, leaders must involve all parties, including local communities, businesses and central government. A long-term vision that focuses on sustainable development and preservation of Balinese culture is needed to create a glorious future for all parties. Next, issues of labor conditions and income distribution must be taken into account. Leaders must devise strategies to improve the skills of their local workers, provide jobs, and ensure economic distribution of income. To face these challenges, ambitious and dedicated leadership is needed. Future Indonesian leaders must have a strong commitment to sustainable development, social justice and cultural preservation. Only with a holistic and collaborative approach can Bali develop sustainably while maintaining the uniqueness and beauty of its nature and culture.  +
It’s been 77 years since Indonesia’s independence. The Balinese people unite to give meaning to this independence. The Jagat Kerthi Toll Road, the Bali Cultural Center Area, and the Golden Triangle Harbor were built to support the spiritual (niskala) and material (sekala) welfare for the new era of Bali. Based on loyalty to Pancasila (the five inseparable and interrelated principles at the heart of Indonesia) as a weapon against drunken behavior, gambling, and other crimes for the sake of upholding the dignity of the nation and the authority of the Merah Putih flag. The whole community strives to improve performance, humanity, tourism, and cultural preservation to create Bali as the center of world civilization for the sake of upholding the spirit of the independence of the great Indonesia.  +
If a person is affected by greed, then he will be affected by the nature of knda pat bhuta. Kanda Pat Bhuta is what can eliminate good qualities in humans. The current government has not been able to implement the teachings of asta brata, because there are still many who are influenced by the nature of sad ripu (six enemies within) causing many people to be out of line. Many people find things that are not good. As a result, many people do not trust, let alone align with the government and can cause bad things to happen to their leadership. If that is the case, who will trust the government?  +
The biggest environmental problem in the world is plastic waste. Likewise in Indonesia, especially in Bali, plastic waste is a major environmental problem. Through the creative work of young people by utilizing plastic waste in the surrounding environment, the "luu plastic" ogoh-ogoh was created from Tujung village, Tegallalang sub-district, Gianyar-Bali. The message that the ogoh-ogoh want to convey to the government is how the government can make policies regarding the use of plastic for food packaging or just as a medium to make it easier to carry luggage. Besides that, how can the government provide a place for waste management, especially plastic waste so that it can have more value to the environment.  +
Bali is famous for tourism with a very strong religious title. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, it caused all aspects of the community's economic support, especially in the tourism sector, to experience suspended animation. Not only Indonesia, but also similar things are experienced by all countries in the world. As the next generation, we should not only dare to criticize but also dare to innovate in order to create a collaboration that can revive Bali's tourism as before. A world that is completely digital, makes us have to strive to be in tune with cultural and technological tourism. Therefore, a solution that can be created is a website called 'Mai Melali' with the use of VR (Virtual Reality) which carries the theme of revitalizing Bali tourism with a digital theme. VR are conceptualized to be enjoyed especially for tourists who have missed Bali since the last time they visited the Island of the Gods. Besides that, this utilization will use several tourist destinations, such as Kuta Beach and religious tourism destinations such as Tirta Empul. By bringing Bali out, it’s hoped that a sense of longing for Bali will arise which will later make the feeling of wanting to visit Bali more volatile. Being motivated by the tourism sector alone can be likened to a double-edged sword. Besides being profitable because Bali has great potential, it can also be detrimental because during the current pandemic, all aspects of life have weakened. With the presence of Mai Melali, it’s hoped that all connoisseurs of Bali tourism destinations can feel the atmosphere that was previously felt but was forced to leave for a while due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the help of VR technology, it is easier for us to collaborate with today's globalization. Therefore, let's create Bali tourism with the theme of technology, in order to awaken and revitalize tourism and the Balinese economy. Because we believe, Bali will come back.  +
The anger of Hyang Ibu Pertiwi as the theme of the ogoh-ogoh from Yehembang Jembrana village. Which tells how sad and angry the mother feels as Hyang Ibu Pertiwi about the actions of humans who like to litter and like to destroy forests. The government should see also cure Hyang Ibu Pertiwi is anger to issue strong legal regulations, overcoming human actions that are not good on earth. Now let's get together, especially us as the next generation of the nation, how to spread the spirit of preserving nature together so that our earth remains beautiful and sustainable.  +
The 77th dirgahayu of the Republic of Indonesia (seven pupuh seven) does not feel like the Republic of Indonesia is already 77 (seventy-seven) Indonesia is already famous for having a variety of cultures, races, tribes, and religions. That's what causes the variety of car akita if it fills independence, from the simplest thing of putting up a red and white flag that characterizes independence. If in the field of culture, there are definitely holding cultural festival events, there are also those who fill independence in the field of sports such as for example volleyball competitions and running competitions, there are also unique competitions such as betel nut climbing, tug of war, sack running, and many more activities if you fill independence. That's what characterizes us always adding and remembering with passion if it fills independence. Recover faster rises stronger.  +
"Beloved fellow citizens, General elections are the time when we as citizens have the power to shape our future. Bali, our beloved homeland, faces a number of issues that require urgent attention from our future leaders. As we prepare to choose new leaders, it's crucial to consider pressing issues that demand immediate solutions. Among the various problems at hand, some prominent issues that need immediate attention from Bali's future leaders are: Firstly, the environment and sustainability. Bali, with its natural beauty, is under significant pressure due to rapid growth. Conservation of the environment and protection of natural resources are crucial to prevent further damage to the island. Future leaders must have a clear vision to preserve Bali's natural beauty while also managing sustainable growth. Secondly, adequate infrastructure. Despite Bali's status as a popular tourist destination, there's a need for better infrastructure to support economic growth and everyday activities of the people. Effective leaders should prioritize the development of suitable infrastructure without compromising environmental preservation. Thirdly, social welfare. There exist disparities in Bali that need to be addressed. Improving access to education, focusing on public health, and increasing job opportunities with fair wages should be the primary focus of future leaders. Even social welfare will form a strong foundation for Bali's progress. Fourthly, transparency and accountability in governance. It's essential for leaders to build transparent and accountable governance. The community should have complete trust in their leaders and feel heard in the decision-making process. Fellow citizens, this election isn't just about selecting leaders but about choosing leaders with a clear vision, strong commitment, and the ability to address pressing issues. Let's choose leaders who can lead Bali towards a better future, one that is fair and sustainable for us all. Thank you."  
Om Swastyastu. In managing this waste, the Tim Basa Bali committee and all of us extend our respect to the Supreme God. This waste affects our earth and has become a collective burden for humanity. The regulations written in 1975 regarding the preservation, writing, and development of the Balinese script have been in place, but they are not consistently followed. Waste disposal should not be a mere ritual but a continuous thread of our lives. This waste is harmful, and we, the people, should be sacred citizens who do not directly contribute to the pollution of our surroundings. The waste, which has been increasing, is affecting Bali's environment. Nevertheless, we must continue to live in harmony with nature and uphold our responsibilities. We need to transform our habits in waste disposal immediately. Moreover, we must offer our support to fellow Balinese and play our roles as responsible citizens. The fear looms large over our tourism, economic stability, and global reputation. Together, let us unite, be humble, and work collectively in managing this waste. Thank you. Om Peace, Peace, Peace, Om.  +
In fact, being a leader in parliament was very difficult, because you had to protect the slaves and always stick to political promises during the campaign. Currently it is. season for political party candidates to wrestle and campaign. This is symbolized by pilgrims dangling banners along the sidewalks and catus pata, aiming for everyone to see themselves as ELECTORAL. He himself also considers all these things with his vision and mission if he is elected by the people's party. If you look at it, actually there are only people's representatives who carry out programs and fulfill their political promises and there are also those who forget their promises like nuts that forget their shells. As proof that I, who is in northern Bali, feel like I have been a victim of political promises, promises to build an airport so that the economy in Bali is stable, but up to now all of this is just discourse that wanders around during the campaign season. Well, that's what I feel myself, maybe the people's representatives have other considerations that maybe the airport hasn't realized until now, it's just that being a people's representative is very difficult to make decisions because there are so many. considerations and work to be done. We as the people only. asked the fathers and mothers who were giving birth not to break promises that were difficult to fulfill so that slaves or people would not be offended by the promises. It's just that, if there is a mistake, I'm sorry. It is true that being a leader as a people's representative is difficult, because as a people's representative you must always protect the people and must remember your political promises during the campaign period. Now is the season for nominating people's representatives and the campaign period. This is indicated by the large number of legislative candidates who put up billboards facing the sidewalk and catas death.  +
"Om swastiastu" To the presenter, thank you for the time given to me. The judges whom I respect, the audience whom I am proud of and the participants in the Balinese oration competition whom I love, there is the title of my work "Caring about Plastic Waste for a Clean Environment". I thank God Almighty or Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa for being able to gather in good health today. Earth there are currently many problems with plastic waste which can cause great harm to the earth. Ladies and gentlemen, plastic waste is a big danger if we don't pay attention to the surrounding environment and can cause disaster in the future. Then who will remember? Not just ourselves, all of us, both students, teenagers and parents, everyone living on earth, including Bali, which is famous for its natural beauty, should care about the existence of plastic waste. This is a behavior that includes teenagers as the main actors. Remember, the job of teenagers is not only to decorate and take selfies in beautiful places, but no one pays attention to the rubbish in front of them, which causes disasters such as landslides, floods, pollution and others. So that we are not exposed to danger, we should throw rubbish in the trash, we should not throw rubbish in the surrounding environment such as rivers, roads, sewers, etc. Come on, let's not throw rubbish carelessly so that the surrounding environment remains beautiful and sustainable! We should work together with the government and all communities to create a clean environment free from plastic waste. "Om Santhi,Santhi,Santhi Om"  +
Ladies and gentlemen, our honorable guest. Before we start this oration. Allow us to express our gratitude to Ida Sang Hayang Widhi Wasa, for it is through His grace that we gather on this auspicious day. With heartfelt devotion, we begin with panganjali: Om swastyastu our honorable guest, the oration we will deliver today is entitled "Foreign Citizens are disturbing the Balinese people". Recently, foreign tourists or "foreigners" in Bali have been in the public spotlight because they are acting up and making people anxious. Instead of being deterred, foreigners who were found committing various violations in Bali actually resisted when the police took action. Not just one violation but many violations committed by foreigners, such as: 1. Increased Traffic Violations: Statistical data records a dramatic increase in traffic violations committed by a number of foreigners. A lack of concern for road rules and safety not only threatens local communities but also creates significant risks for foreigners themselves. This increase reflects troubling non-compliance, necessitating more effective enforcement actions and more intensive awareness campaigns. 2. Adverse Immigration Problems: High levels of overstaying and violations of immigration regulations create a serious burden on the immigration system. The economic and social impacts of this behavior are very real, given the resources that must be allocated to deal with these cases. Increased controls and enhanced immigration enforcement actions are imperative to ensure compliance with existing provisions and maintain the integrity of the immigration system. 3. Establishing a Business Without a Permit: The establishment of businesses without proper permits by some foreigners is detrimental to the local economy, creating disproportionate inequality in business competition. This problem not only concerns economic aspects but also raises questions of rights and justice in business. An in-depth evaluation of the economic and social impacts of these practices is needed to determine solutions that can address these problems without harming those who comply with the rules. 4. Non-compliance with Environmental Regulations: The behavior of foreigners who do not comply with environmental regulations creates a serious threat to ecological sustainability in Bali. These cases include littering, damage to local plants, and violations of sustainability principles. A thorough evaluation of the long-term impacts of this environmental damage needs to be carried out to understand the implications for the ecosystem and the welfare of local communities.  
The youth's efforts to fill independence when the Indonesian state was already independent. This is a very important undertaking. Like: 1. Building achievements in various fields, such as sports. In order to make Indonesia proud to foreign countries. 2. Maintain and use the infrastructure built by the government to be useful. 3. Implement a compassionate attitude of "saling asah, asih, asuh" despite different ethnicities, customs, cultures and religions. 4. Especially for us young people in Bali to preserve Balinese cultural arts by increasing the creation of spectacles that can attract tourism attention.  +