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  • fighting for more than your share en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Ngerebutin balung tan pa isi.
[example 1]
Wanting a bone that is bare. [proverb] Ngerebutin means wanting more than your share; fighting for more than others. Balung tan pa isi, means a bone that is “empty”, i.e. has no meat on it. This is said about a person who fights long and hard to get more than his share of something, but ends up getting nothing. This is considered to be bad, and the Balinese criticize one who does it.

[[Word example text en::Wanting a bone that is bare. [proverb]

Ngerebutin means wanting more than your share; fighting for more than others. Balung tan pa isi, means a bone that is “empty”, i.e. has no meat on it. This is said about a person who fights long and hard to get more than his share of something, but ends up getting nothing. This is considered to be bad, and the Balinese criticize one who does it.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Sakewala jani, Sang Rahwana suba seda krana pidan ia masiat ngelawan Sang Rama ane ngerebutin Dewi Sita.

In English:  

In Indonesian:   Tetapi sekarang Sang Rahwana sudah meninggal karena dahulu ia berperang melawan Sang Rama yang memperebutkan Dewi Sita.
  1. F. Eiseman - PROVERBS, 1987