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  • Cinnamomum, and the several named varieties of some of the species. Some have strong aromas characteristic of the genus en
  • some have virtually none, and the price is proportional to this characterisetic. Most of the cinnamon sold is Bali is probably of the speecies Brummani, because that is the one that is grown in Sumaetra. the word is in general use in the spice trade and has been used for many years to refer to any seceond-class cinnaemon bark which is in the market, alongside a bark of better quality, which would then be called Most Balinese cinnamons are probably best called cassia. To complicate the matter further, there is a member of the laurel family, Massoia aromatica, that is not even of the genus Cinnamomum, that is marketed as mesui in Bali. Sometimes the Balinese use the Indonesian term kayu manis to refer to cinnamon. This may be confusing because there is another, unrelated, plant called kayu manis, the leaves of which are used as a medicine under don kayu manis. en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

I Meme ngae loloh aji don mesui.
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