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  • to train cocks to fight en
  • melatih ayam id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Mebongbong pinaka utsaha ngrereh liang. Pidan, para penglingsir budal saking makarya ring sawah sering mapupul sinambi makta siap kurungan. Mebongbong dados genah magendu wirasa, mligbagang indik tetanduran muang ubuh-ubuhan, lan aab jagate. Penglisire maliang-liang ngadu siap kurungannya, tan pataji muang toh. Mebongbong taler utsaha ngurukang siap kurungane masiat sadurung kacentokang ring kalangan tajen.
[example 1]
Mebongbong is a customary activity for Balinese seeking entertainment. In the past, after returning home from the rice fields, the elders would gather in front of their homes and bring their fighting cocks. So mebongbong became a venue for the exchnage of ideas about agriculture, animal husbandry as well as general talk about life. The elders would entertain themselves by getting their fighting cocks to spar, without spurs, and gamble. Mebongbong was also a venue for training fighting cocks before they were taken to the fighting cock arena.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Made Sugianto