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  • stiff, difficult to bend, not flexible, cramped en
  • kaku id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Apang iraga uning sane encen watek angga sane kekeh tur uning ring kawigunan gerakan-gerakan punika.
[example 1]
So we know which part of our body has contractations and what's the function of each movement.

Tua-tua sampat; nyangsan tutud, nyangsan kekeh.
[example 2]
Like an old broom; the more it is worn out, the stronger it gets. [proverb] A ‘sampat lidi’, a broom made out of coconut leaf central spines is rather weak and flexible because it is long. As it is used it gets shorter, but is also gets stiffer – i.e. stronger. This is said of an older person who has more strength with women or men. That is, it is used for older men who have several wives, of occasionally, for older women who have more than one husband. It usually is used with respect to men.

[[Word example text en::Like an old broom; the more it is worn out, the stronger it gets. [proverb]

A ‘sampat lidi’, a broom made out of coconut leaf central spines is rather weak and flexible because it is long. As it is used it gets shorter, but is also gets stiffer – i.e. stronger. This is said of an older person who has more strength with women or men. That is, it is used for older men who have several wives, of occasionally, for older women who have more than one husband. It usually is used with respect to men.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Tentunya video ane disajikan patut ipun ngleganin, sing formal lan kekeh, sakadi para vlogger lan youtuber kardi video tour wisata, “mukbang”, ngajakin “having fun” ajak tata sewru lan ngleganin.

In English:   Complaints about halal food both in terms of the type of food, looking for Bali tourism that does not have an open genitalia element, are tired of the same kind of tourism, so traveling around Bali by bicycle can become a new tourist destination.

In Indonesian:   Maka dengan ini menunjukkan bahwa Bali memiliki toleransi beragama yang baik.

In Balinese:   ade munyin motor teka, Wayan Agus ajak Kadek Febri kajengit ngabe es daluman lantas metakon, "engkn to Man mapangenan?" Mare suud nyambat pikobet ento, jek mekesyab Nyoman nolih Wayan Agus mesuang dompet tur ngemang pis 100 tali kekeh 5 lembar.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Tityang terus memelas teken reraman tiyange, naging bapa lan meme tetep kekeh tusing ngebang tyang pesu.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Semut-semut ane mamusuh ento makejang kekeh, makejang paturu ngaku beneh.

In English:  

In Indonesian:   Semut-semut yang bermusuhan itu pun semua kaku, merasa diri paling benar.
  1. BASAbali Software
  2. F. Eiseman - PROVERBS, 1987