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  • woven objects, usually trays or small baskets, made of lidi, central leaf spines of coconut or Borassus palm leaves. The latter are more flexible and thus more suited to plaiting than lidi from coconut leaves. Flat ingka trays are sold in most village markets. Ingka baskets are a tourist item en
  • made chiefly in areas where Borassus palms are abundant. The term, broadly extended, is used to refer also to plaited objects made from thin slivers of bamboo, about the size of lidi. flat, round, plaited objects, with an open weave, generally some form of basket, made from lidi. however, in its extended sense ingka includes all sorts of plaited objects, not necessarily flat, made from thin slivers of bamboo en
  • anyaman dari lidi jamur yang berbentuk bundar ceper id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Ingka pengungsi gunung agung.jpg
Puniki ingka-ingka sane kakaryanin olih krama Karangasem sane ngungsi ka Bangli sawireh Gunung Agunge makeplug.
[example 1]
Ths is "ingka" (plate made from lacing the rib of coconut leaves) that are made by the people of Karangasem who evacuate to Bangli due to Mount Agung's eruption.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Gek Diah Desi Sentana,