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  • wood (bamboo) mounted transversely as if it were a rib on the roof of a house, a bridge, a hall, etc. (Mider) (Noun) en
  • roof ribs of roof of building that run from ridge beam (langit-langit) to lambang, the beam on top of wall (Mider) (Noun) en
  • 'reng' are nailed to the iga-iga, and tiles are hung on reng (Mider) (Noun) en
  • kasau; rusuk bangunan rumah; kayu (bambu) yang dipasang melintang seakan-akan merupakan tulang rusuk pada atap rumah, jembatan, balai-balai, dan sebagainya (Mider) (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Apa anak satak, makasatak matlusuk? Iga-iga.
What is two hundred people, two hundred with their nose pierced ? Answer : house ribs. (kind of balinese riddles)

Atap kitlv 29392 1920.png
iga-iga. 1920
[example 1]
Roof construction. 1920

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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