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  • broken open it reveals segments that contain a creamy custard-like material that has a strong distinctive odor en
  • the odor is offenesive to many people, but the taste of the fruit appeals to some. en
  • a pungent, custardy fruit (L: Durio zibethinus) en
  • (Bombaceae) en
  • Fruit that smells like hell, and tastes like heaven. en
  • large, coconut size ellipsoidal fruit of a very tall tree that grows in the higher parts of Bali en
  • fruit is covered with large, sharp spikes en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Nasak durian, nasak manggis?
[example 1]
Literally: a ripe durian, ripe mangosteen?; A ripe durian smells, but a ripe mangosteen has no odor; a man goes to find a pretty girl, no matter how far away, but a girl does not go far to seek a man.

Durian whole.jpg
whole durian fruit

durian cut open

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Kemerdekaan tahunne mangkin mearti pisan ,sawireh wabah covid ring tahun ne durian punika sekancan ngilangang ,maka punika kawentenang acara sane mangda krama Indonesiane buin polih sumangat.Patut pisan ring tema kemerdekaan Indonesiane punika sane kaping pitung dasa pitu punika “Pulih lebih cepat, Bangkit lebih kuat”.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  
  1. _______. 2016. Kamus Bali-Indonesia Edisi ke-3. Denpasar. Balai Bahasa Bali