How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • if the extra spur is on the left, it is calle dimpil areh en
  • if it is on the right, this is called dimpil tengen en
  • joined, grown together, having an extra digit en
  • cock that has more than one spur en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

batis siap tiange ane putih ento dimpil karo
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Ada ules siap Ejo Sambu, Sa Budi, Biying Pangajaran, Wangkas Kuning, Tegil Cakcak, Klau Biru Jambul Bang Karna Dimpil Karo lan ane lenan.

In English:  

In Indonesian:   Ada aya ijo sambu, Sa budi, Biing Pangajaran, Wangkas Kuning, Tegil cakcak, Klau Biru Jambul Bang Karna Dimpil Karo serta yang lainnya.