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Dapdap tis

dapdap tis

  • coral tree (Erythrina lithosperma). Dadap is a medium-sized tree, with a height of 15-20 meters, with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters. en
  • pohon dapdap tis (Erythrina lithosperma). Pohon dapdap berukuran sedang, mencapai tinggi 15-20 meter, dengan diameter 50-60 sentimeter. id
dapdap tis
dapdap tis
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Tiang taru dapdap tis wau rauh, daging titiang tis, babakan titiang dados anggen tamba bengka, malih campur ipun, katumbah bolong solas besik, uyah areng, tektek dedekan, peres, saring, tur anginum. Malih babakan titiang, maka pinulung ring penyungkan weteng, campur sareng sendrong menyahnyah, rajang halus, wau simbuh ring weteng rare.
[example 1]
My name is Dadap Tree and I just came in, my substance content is cool, my stem bark can be a cure for flatulance, the stem bark mixed with eleven seeds of coriander, charcoal salt, then chopped fine, squeeze, strain and drink. For the flatulance in babies, the bark is mixed with kind of spices, roasted, then sprayed into the baby's stomach.

Dadap is a medium-sized tree, with a height of 15-20 meters, with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters. The young and delicate stems are vertical stripes of green, gray, light brown or whitish; Stems are usually covered with blackish spikes. Dadap trees are often used as shade plants for coffee and cacao crops. In the medical world, dadap tree can be a cure for some diseases, such as fever, shore throat, cough, and flatulence. For flatulence, the stem bark mixed with eleven seeds of coriander (Coriandrum sativum), charcoal salt, then chopped fine, squeeze, strain and drink. For babies, the bark is mixed with kind of spices, roasted, then sprayed into the baby's stomach.

Tiang taru dapdap tis wau rauh, daging titiang tis, babakan lan don titiang dados anggen tamba bengka. Malih don titiang, maka pinulung ring penyungkan weteng, ambil don titiang, ulig utawi bejek sareng cocor bebek. Dagingin toya, bejek. Yening sungkan bengka, balur campuran punika ring weteng rare.
[example 3]
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⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Video: Feby Sriandari, I Wayan Regeg, Rahadi Abhiyuda
  2. Fred Eiseman, Usada Bali 2011
  3. Video: Feby Sriandari, Rahadi Abhiyuda, Bellinda