How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • laurel (Guttiferae) en
  • alexandrian laurel, medium size beach tre e that produces spherical fruit about 3 cm. in diameter en
  • Sejenis pohon yang buahnya kecil seperti kelereng, biasanya tumbuh di pinggir sungai/kali, batang pohonnya baik digunakan untuk kentongan, buahnya baik untuk dijadikan penghitam lontar. id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Punyan camplunge ento tegeh carangne ipak.
No translation exists for this example.

Tiang cara canting camplung.
[example 1]
I am like a dipper made of camplung fruit. [proverb] ‘Camplung’ produces a spherical fruit that is not very big. So, a dipper made of this fruit would be rather small and would not hold much. This expression is used to indicate that one does not have much money. For example, it is used if someone come around to borrow money. It may also be used if someone says to you that he knows or thinks that you have a lot of money. You would use this expression in reply.

[[Word example text en::I am like a dipper made of camplung fruit. [proverb]

‘Camplung’ produces a spherical fruit that is not very big. So, a dipper made of this fruit would be rather small and would not hold much. This expression is used to indicate that one does not have much money. For example, it is used if someone come around to borrow money. It may also be used if someone says to you that he knows or thinks that you have a lot of money. You would use this expression in reply.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Dini ade tongos makan ane unik yen biasanne tongos makan utawi restoran ento kewangun ban beton nanging didesa niki tongos makan kewangun ban tiing,semeton ngidang medaraan sambilan nyingakin kalanguan, tukad, lan palemahan didesa nenenan, tusing ento dogen, di tongosne eni ade tongos cerik”mepaliannan.buinan dini ade tongos melukat ane mewasta pengelukatan Tiyisan Sane kapracaya prasida ngubadin sekancan Pinungkan kulit, Tirte pengelukatan puniki wit saking pura bukit camplung desa sidan, genahe puniki kapracaya dados genah petirtan rencang-rencang ida bhatara sane melinggih ring punika baosnyane.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  
  1. F. Eiseman, Proverbs. 1987