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  • common black bean en
  • kacang botor (biji kecipir) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Anake ento care botor, tusing akat baan nyeet.
[example 1]
That person is like a black bean. He cannot be tied up. [proverb] ‘Botor’ is a common black bean. One cannot tie up bean seeds in a bundle. This is then said of a person who is very smart and cannot be fooled. He always gets the best of you in bargaining, for example.

[[Word example text id::Orang itu seperti kacang hitam. Dia tidak bisa diikat. [pepatah]

'Botor' adalah kacang hitam biasa. Seseorang tidak dapat mengikat benih kacang dalam bundel. Ini kemudian dikatakan tentang seseorang yang sangat cerdas dan tidak bisa dibodohi. Dia selalu mendapatkan yang terbaik dari Anda dalam tawar-menawar, misalnya.

Pelajari pengucapannya| ]][[Word example text en::That person is like a black bean. He cannot be tied up. [proverb] ‘Botor’ is a common black bean. One cannot tie up bean seeds in a bundle. This is then said of a person who is very smart and cannot be fooled. He always gets the best of you in bargaining, for example.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. F. Eiseman, Proverbs. 1987