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I Ngurah Suryawan

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I Ngurah Suryawan
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In English

I Ngurah Suryawan, born in Denpasar Bali on February 25, 1979. He obtained his formal education at the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University, Bali (2006) with the title "Speaking Behind Silence: Anthropological Studies of the Violence of the 1965-1966 Mass Massacres in Jembrana Regency, Bali." He completed his Masters in the Masters Program in Cultural Studies at the Postgraduate Program at Udayana University (2009) with a thesis entitled "Bara on the Edge of Power: Genealogy of Subaltern Violence and Upheaval in Buleleng Regency, Bali". Doctoral education was completed at the Humanities (Anthropology) Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (2015) and wrote a dissertation entitled "Elite's Strategy to Steal State Power in West Papua". The postdoctoral research program started from 2016-2017 on the cultural ecology of the Marori and Kanum people in Merauke, Papua under the ELDP (Endangered Languages ​​Documentation Program) and Australian National University (ANU) scheme. He was a visiting researcher at KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde), Universiteit Leiden 2017 – 2018 to write his research on the formation of the middle class elite in the interior of Papua. His books on Papua include: A Broken Soul (2014), Looking for the Morning: Ethnographic Fragments (2015), Papua Versus Papua: Disunity and Cultural Change (2017), Dismissed Voices: Against Silent Culture ( 2017), Dim Living Space: The Ecological Concussion of the Marori and Kanum People in Merauke, Papua (2018), Kitong Pu Dreams: Anthropology and Transformation of the Papuan People (2018), Searching for a Changing Bali (2018).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

I Ngurah Suryawan, dilahirkan di Denpasar Bali 25 Februari 1979. Pendidikan formal ditempuhnya di Jurusan Antropologi Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana Bali (2006) dengan skripsi berjudul “Bertutur Di Balik Senyap: Studi Antropologi Kekerasan Pembantaian Massal 1965-1966 di Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali.” Pendidikan Magister diselesaikannya di Program Magister Kajian Budaya Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana (2009) dengan tesis berjudul “Bara di Tepi Kuasa: Genealogi Kekerasan dan Pergolakan Subaltern di Kabupaten Buleleng Bali.” Pendidikan Doktor diselesaikan di Program Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora (Antropologi) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta (2015) dan menulis disertasi yang berjudul “Siasat Elit Mencuri Kuasa Negara di Papua Barat”. Program penelitian pascadoktoral dimulainya dari tahun 2016-2017 tentang ekologi budaya orang Marori dan Kanum di Merauke, Papua dalam skema ELDP (Endangered Languages Documentation Programme) dan Australian National University (ANU). Menjadi peneliti tamu di KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde), Universiteit Leiden 2017 – 2018 untuk menulis penelitiannya tentang terbentuknya elit kelas menengah di pedalaman Papua. Bukunya tentang Papua diantaranya adalah: Jiwa yang Patah (2014), Mencari Sang Kejora: Fragmen-Fragmen Etnografi (2015), Papua Versus Papua: Perpecahan dan Perubahan Budaya (2017), Suara-Suara yang Dicampakkan: Melawan Budaya Bisu (2017), Ruang Hidup yang Redup: Gegar Ekologi Orang Marori dan Kanum di Merauke, Papua (2018), Kitong Pu Mimpi: Antropologisasi dan Transformasi Rakyat Papua (2018), Mencari Bali yang Berubah ( 2018).

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Mencari Bali yang Berubah
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